SATURDAY SIX Presents: Our Favorite @bioreconstruct Photos of 2023 (EPIC Universe, Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando, and more!)
This week’s SATURDAY SIX takes a look at our FAVORITE @bioreconstruct photos of 2023! For the last several years, this fine blog series has reserved a space at the end of the year for an article spotlighting our favorite photos from @bioreconstruct. The blogger-in-the-sky — who at times appears to defy all the laws of time and space — never ceases to amaze us with the spectacular photos he gets from the air (and the ground!)
Compiling the year end BEST OF BIO article is something we look forward to, as so much happens over the course of 12 months that most of it turns into a blur. BEST OF BIO gives us a moment to reflect on everything that we have all collectively experienced over the last year and appreciate the shots that no one else seems to get, despite the theme park community being home to a metric ton of great photographers.

Which is why we need to remember that back in January, Bio had a health scare that some people reading this never knew about and many others just simply forgot because so much has happened since. After suffering severe fatigue shortly after completing the runDisney marathon, Bio learned he had Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Many days during the early months of the year were spent in the hospital. You can read about Bio’s medical journey by CLICKING HERE, but the good news is that things are looking much better now – health-wise – compared to the start of the year. In fact, despite spending so many days and nights inside a hospital room to begin the year, Bio actually finished the year taking more helicopter flights above the theme parks than any year previously (53!) It is a testimony to his commitment to recovery, his never quit attitude, and his dedication to his craft.
As you read this article, please spend a moment realizing how much it took from Bio to give all of this to us. Asking for nothing in return, Bio persevered over all obstacles to get photos that entertain us, that inform us, and that fill us with a sense of wonder that we can’t get anywhere else. In a world that is becoming increasingly chaotic and dark, Bio is a source of light we can count on. To paraphrase the iconic line from The Dark Knight, Bio is not the photographer we deserve, but he’s the one we need right now.
# 6 – A Look Down…
My personal favorite “genre” of photos that Bio takes are what I like to call the Big Picture ones. These are photos that put everything that we see on the ground into a much larger context. Take for example this photo below featuring the entirety of Disney’s All Stars Resort. Many reading this have been on the ground looking up at the larger-than-life Icons, but here we get to see exactly how Sports, Movies, and Music are situated with each other.

A prestigious member of both the 2023 Turkey of the Year Awards and our In Memoriam special, this photo of the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser was taken shortly after the high concept experience hotel had its final sailing.
Below is an aerial overview of Disney’s Hollywood Studios at night from 3100 ft. Interesting that Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser has full lighting. It had recently closed. (Near interchange at the top right.)
Aerial overview of Contemporary Resort and Magic Kingdom at night.
A different angle of Tomorrowland is just as stunning.
Let’s compare it to a similar shot taken during the day…
Absolutely adore this photo of Seven Seas Lagoon that shows all three Magic Kingdom Resorts. In the center of the right side of the picture you’ll see the construction for the DVC tower being built at The Poly.
In my book, Stormalong Bay at Disney’s Yacht & Beach Club Resorts is pound-for-pound the best overall pool area at Walt Disney World.
Disney’s water parks aren’t covered nearly enough by the bloggers and vloggers of the community (including myself), but Bio has us covered with great looks at Typhoon Lagoon…
…and Blizzard Beach.
Speaking of beaches, somehow I have spent the last ten years covering the theme parks, and yet it wasn’t until this picture by Bio below that I ever heard about Mickey’s Retreat. This is an exclusive Cast Member recreation area, located in Lake Buena Vista.
Photo below shows beach volleyball being played at Mickey’s Retreat.
Over at the Universal Orlando Resort we have this fascinating look at Men in Black: Alien Attack and the attractions use of circles in its design.
Like Men in Black above, here we have a photo of The Simpsons Ride in Springfield getting a refurbishment of the pavement outside the facade (plastic at right is protecting curing concrete from rain.) This picture gives us a unique viewpoint that you never see!
We’ll close this segment with a postcard worthy shot of the Universal Studios Florida globe.
# 5 – A look up…
We’ve done several articles in this Fine Blog Series over the years on the craft of theme park photography. The best photographers can take something we’ve all seen a million times and present it in a way that is unique and eye-catching. While most of us parkgoers aren’t astronomers, I think pretty much everyone would enjoy being able to see other planets from inside the theme parks. The good news is: you can. The bad news is: since most of us aren’t astronomers, we don’t know when or where to look. Thankfully, Bio has us covered, because one of the (many) things that Bio does better than ANYONE is his ability to capture the parks and various objects in the sky, such as a full moon and the Universal globe…
Bio also knows how to playfully compose his photos to tell a story. Such as a figure in the Minion Land sign reaching out to touch a full moon.
Here we have Bio catching a spotlight at Islands of Adventure seemingly focused on the moon.
Magneto using the magnetic forces of The Moon and the planet Mars.
In this twilight photo of the Islands of Adventure skyline we have: 1) The Moon 2) Mars 3) Venus 4) Mercury 5) VelociCoaster
Here is a photo of Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit plunging past Venus…

Whjle this 4.1-second photo has Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit at the top of the loop with a visible Saturn.

A visually brilliant shot featuring a crescent moon above Dr. Doom’s Fear Fall.
Another wonderful crescent moon photo taken in Minion Land.
# 4 – EPCOT
Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind is a total blast and our family is a big fan of Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure as well, but I think that the lighting package on Spaceship Earth may be the best addition to the park in years. Over the course of Independence Day weekend, SSE is lit up like an American Flag and it is just STUNNING.
As if red, white, and blue Spaceship Earth has a knitted surface (camera blur caused by vibration of the aircraft.)
You are welcome to save this aerial photo below of EPCOT for personal use … such as for desktop wallpaper or a screensaver. Bio has two versions available at THIS LINK: One image is UHD 3840×2160, the other is HD 1920×1080.
For the last several years we got to see great construction photos of Journey of Water: Inspired by Moana taken by Bio. In 2023 the attraction finally opened and we got to see photos from Bio that truly do justice to this beautiful new area!

The other huge debut at EPCOT this year was the new nighttime spectacular Luminous. Now, before the show made its debut in October, Bio was getting us amazing shots of the show coming together…

Then, Luminous made its grand debut.

Bio was at EPCOT seemingly every day, getting pictures from both the air AND the ground.

Bio didn’t just try to find “the perfect spot” to take photos, he circled World Showcase Lagoon and presented photos from all the various areas where guests would be seeing this show.

I’ve made my case over the years as to why shooting photos in vertical orientation is essentially wasting everyone’s time, but man does this shot below by Bio illustrate my point. Look at his photo capturing Luminous, and then look at the shots the people in front of him are getting with their phones.

Let’s head into the air and see Luminous from thousands of feet up…

Just gorgeous-looking photos.

Now this next couple of photos is as cool as it gets. First, we’ll look at another shot of Luminous explosions taken by Bio in the air.
As it turns out, Bio’s friend @Blog_Mickey was watching this same show on the ground and followed up with a post of the helicopter seen through the fireworks!!

Okay, back to our regularly scheduled programming… next-level awesome photos by Bio, such as this aerial of heart-shaped fireworks above Luminous, and reflected below in Showcase Lagoon.
How great is this aerial photo with one of the moments during Luminous when World Showcase is lit as bright as in daytime? Incredible.
We’ll close the EPCOT section with this aerial look at World Celebration during a Spaceship Earth animated sequence. At center are the lighted 5-rings of the EPCOT logo, with color matching Spaceship Earth. Everything looks fantastic and you can see Journey of Water: Inspired Moana on the left-hand side of the photo.
# 3 – Indescribably Beautiful
Let’s take a moment to just look at some wonderful photos Bio has taken of attractions this past year.

As seen with Air Traffic Control permission. Helicopter at 3,100 feet above the Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom.

Who takes better sunset photos at the parks than Bio? Answer: NO ONE.

# 2 – Mirror Glass
Another one of my personal favorite photos from Bio is his use of “Mirror Glass.” In photography, mirror glass is a term used for when water ends up reflecting an image in the same way a mirror would. Since both Disney and Universal have a lot of water features, they can lead to some pretty cool-looking photos!
Bio started the year off right with this photo below taken on January 1st. It features a long exposure photo of a monorail train with pulsing carriage lighting.

# 1 – EPIC Universe
We really could have done an entire article just on the best photos Bio has taken of EPIC Universe construction this year. As a theme park fan, it’s really been special to see an entire park come together from the ground up. Usually we get like quick glimpses of parks being built in Disney documentaries, but we’re getting constant updates of EPIC Universe by Bio and it’s like nothing I’ve experienced in my entire life. We’re going to concentrate this section on photos he has taken in the last month, starting with this fantastic overview of the entire park.
Here’s another look across EPIC Universe, from Super Nintendo World in the foreground to the dual racing coater in the back.
Okay, let’s look at the areas coming to EPIC Universe, starting with the land that is going to give Universal the ability to just print money…
Ride cars under fabric in the multi-level Super Nintendo World.
Aerial look at the back of a reach test car in the Donkey Kong roller coaster. The actual track is sideways. Arrow at straps and cables securing the car in place.

It seems as if each land at EPIC Universe will have a portal to enter through and each portal has a “weenie” of sorts to draw people’s attention. The one below is the icon for the How To Train Your Dragon Land (which, I believe is going to be the sleeper hit of EPIC Universe.)
Here is how you will see those “weenies” from the ground.

How To Train Your Dragon Land is going to have a coaster, a boat ride, a show, and a spinner ride. Basically everything we love.

Still hard to believe a land themed to Universal Classic Monsters is actually being made…and how incredible is this portal?!!!!
The large manor that fronts the featured attraction of a classic Universal Monsters land.
Curse of the Werewolf spinning car roller coaster,
This is the land I’m most interested in seeing, mostly because I’m wondering how Universal is going to deliver the “WOW” moments we got in Hogsmeade Village and Diagon Alley. I have full faith that they will, but I’m intrigued as to how…

The dual racing coaster is gonna be absolutely awesome!!
The dual racing coaster is going to replace Expedition Everest, VelociCoaster, and Tron as the most photographed coaster in Florida. Bank on it.
I don’t even know what much of the stuff is in EPIC Universe, but I know it’s gonna be great.

Let’s zoom in a little closer on the picture above. We are getting one heck of a behind-the-scenes look at how something magical is created. We are seeing how the sausage is made and I for one love it (despite not understanding almost any of it.)
Now, we all have our favorites at EPIC Universe. Usually it’s the showy stuff. I wondered what Bio enjoyed seeing from the air, and it’s the “process” stuff like catching a pavement test.

Being able to get glimpses of ride vehicles and ride testing, such as the one below for the Donkey Kong coaster, almost always get tons of people excited on DisTwitter.

Who else is giving us EPIC Universe construction pics AT NIGHT?!!!!

Bio was even featured on the news as being the first person to get video of actual ride testing at EPIC Universe.
Maybe it’s just me, but I love seeing stuff like this photo below of the guest parking area.

EPIC Universe is going to have an onsite hotel that will feed directly into the park, and it will also have two other resorts nearby right across the street named Stella Nova and Terra Luna. Below we have an aerial photo of workers placing colorful reflective tiles near a top corner of the Stella Nova resort. These tiles are wrapping around to the pool side of the tower.
Both Stella Nova and Terra Luna have distinctive colorful tiles that I think look amazing.

A 76-second photo of this week’s SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch, with a full Moon, behind the celestial-themed Stella Nova resort construction. Possibly the first photo of a rocket launch featuring the Epic Universe property. This singular picture is like watching the end of the movie Inception except instead of various dream worlds we are seeing many of the types of Bio pictures we love in a single shot.
I often say aerial photography is like sports photography. Some idea of what will be in front of the lens next, and a split second to get the shot.
EPIC Universe aerials are like Villain-Con Minion Blast. So many things to aim the camera at, all at once. Where to aim next? – @bioreconstruct

Did someone say Minion Blast?
Honorable Mention – Becoming #1 ALL TIME at Minion Blast
Earlier this year Universal Studios Florida opened its newest attraction: Villain-Con Minion Blast.
Minion Blast is an interactive shooter, where guests stand on a moving walkway while weaving their way through different rooms, each featuring a baddie from a group called The Vicious 6. Each guests has a blaster that they use to fire at elements on the screen as well as physical props inside each room. Here is a link to an article on Minion Blast by Bio himself giving tips and advice on how to truly maximize your experience playing.

Villain-Con Minion Blast opened in August. I noticed that the player name bioreconstruct had already been taken by someone else. (DEREK NOTE: Someone squatted on the Bio name in Minion Blast? “The impudence! The audacity! The Unmitigated gall!!!“)
I Immediately thought I ought to immediately protect Bacini’s name. Bacini – the official dog of DisTwitter – and Derek’s best buddy in the David & Derek series of articles. I signed up in the Minion Blast app as Bacini and planned to coordinate with Derek. I would change my player name and Derek could then immediately sign up as Bacini. Transferring Bacini from my player account to Derek’s player account.
That was the original plan. However, after playing my first game, it was very entertaining to see Bacini’s name in the top 30 scoreboard that guests see at the end of the attraction. – @bioreconstruct

The exact same Leaderboard will show up in your Universal Orlando app!
Even better still? The app keeps track of all the games you’ve ever played and can show your overall ranking. Imagine if Disney had this available for attractions such as Midway Mania or Space Ranger Spin!
I started to analyze the big numbers in the top ten of All Time scores. Realized quickly it would take a lot of game play for Bacini to be in the top 3. A whole lot! I doubted it could ever happen, but Derek replied, “as Walt Disney once said, if you believe it, you can do it!”
Bacini played steadily. Here’s a look at him reaching the #10, #5, and #3 in all time scores.
And then it happened on October 8th. It was hard to believe. Bacini earned the #1 All Time score! It felt fantastic. A true “Mission Accomplished” moment.
According to the story in the attraction, if you score higher than all others then you become the newest member of the Vicious 6. Bacini is now a member of the Vicious 6! It was very entertaining that Derek’s happy little dog had become a supervillain. Derek wrote that he should have known Bacini was a villain, based on Bacini as a puppy faking a limp to get treats.
Also entertaining is that Derek can now write in articles: Bacini, the official dog of DisTwitter, and member of the Vicious 6. – @bioreconstruct

Double Secret Honorable Mention – Birds of a feather…
One of the most amazing stories from the year 2020 was the battle back and forth between Universal Orlando and an Osprey. This struggle for supremacy, taking place on the highest point of the VelociCoaster track, was covered in depth in that year’s Theme Park Turkey of the Year Awards. This “fight” between bird and man actually went into 2021, and it wasn’t until the VelociCoaster opened that Universal could finally be declared the winner (the Osprey was given several other options nearby from Universal in which to build its nest.) While photographing the Osprey might have gotten Bio the most attention from his followers, he has continued to photograph various wildlife in and around the theme parks, such as this great shot below which looks as if ducks were painting the Universal lagoon with light at night.
Duck making colorful ripples in the Universal Lagoon at night.
Speaking of ducks, as this article is going to print Universal had recently released the animated movie Migration. In support of that movie, a GIANT inflatable mallard was brought to Universal Studios Florida. Here we see our fine feathered friend sitting on a brand new barge in the lagoon.
While here we have a shot taken from the ground that ties in two of our favorite Bio photography subjects, mirror glass and ducks…

You can have all the preparation in the world, but sometimes you just have to be in the right place at the right time. Below is an amazing aerial photo of Discovery Cove with a dolphin jumping out of a pool, which was captured thanks to a little bit of luck (along with copious amounts of preparation.)
Triple Threat Honorable Mention: That’s Our Bio…
Okay, so we’ve established that Bio is THE MAN when it comes to photographing the theme parks in the air AND on the ground. In the theme park photography Hall of Fame. On the theme park photography Mt. Rushmore. For anyone else on Earth, that would be enough. Not for Bio though. NAY NAY. Bio has about a dozen other unique skills that he provides the community with, such as keeping track of the Universal Mold-A-Matic designs. Here is a photo featuring every single figure that has been available at Islands of Adventure, Universal Studios Florida, and CityWalk since August 2020 through today.
Did you know that he also keeps everyone up to date with all the color types of the various figures that have been produced? Here are all the hues made for the Frankenstein’s Monster figure over the years.
While these are some of the color Color variations of the Jaws Mold-A-Matic figure over the course of one year.
Clock Tower from Back to the Future colors.
I’ve often joked with Bio in DMs that he is singlehandedly keeping the restaurant Bend the Bao in CityWalk open. I can’t think of a single other theme park photographer who has covered this quick service restaurant, but Bio has been there consistently since it has opened, updating everyone on the current packaging of the food (which – to be fair – is straight up E-Ticket.)
This year he noticed an outdoor kitchen in the San Francisco area was using the Bend the Bao boxes inside Universal Studios Florida.
Speaking of outdoor kitchens, one of the biggest surprise hits of this past year’s Halloween Horror Nights was an item served in a kitchen themed to the video game The Last of Us. Left Behind Ravioli was served in a FEDRA can. This was a unique presentation and pretty much gave each buyer a souvenir as well as a snack. Universal had a hard time keeping the cans in stock. Not only were they popular with guests in general, but I think the only calories Bio ate during HHN season came from buying these cans every single day. He would post fantastic photos showing each night’s purchase…
Can you blame him? Each can consisted of mini cheese ravioli with marinara, truffle cream, garlic bread, and tempura fried enoki mushrooms.
Bio was still buying the Left Behind Ravioli even when Universal sold out of the cans.
But where it goes next level is the fact that Bio told us the story of how he took a can of Left Behind Ravioli home and reheated it for a meal the next day.
When the White Castle food chain first opened in Orlando back in 2021, it drew long lines and a ton of coverage. Since that time, Bio has been the only person still giving us regular updates on White Castle.
Arrow at the line for drive-thru at World’s Largest White Castle restaurant.
If anyone wanted to make a 3-D model of this White Castle building, Bio has you covered with full coverage.
Including at night!!
There are so many other niches of coverage as well including the Bioreconstruct Maintenance Report (which covered the refurbished Figment posters in the Imagination Pavilion among many other things), Disney’s digital banner on I-Drive, and a whole bunch of areas outside of Disney and Universal including the upcoming Evermore Resort (and it’s breathtaking pool area.) Like The Terminator, Bio absolutely will not stop…and we love him for it.
So there you have it: SATURDAY SIX Presents: Our FAVORITE @bioreconstruct photos of 2023! See you next weekend for the latest installment of the SATURDAY SIX, where we’ll look at something fun from the world of Disney and Universal. If you enjoyed yourself, be sure to check out the THEME PARK ENJOYMENT INDEX, giving a monthly recap of all the theme park news you need to know (and a lot more you don’t need to know, but we’re gonna tell you anyway). You can also follow Your Humble Author on Twitter (@derekburgan).
If you enjoyed this article, you will surely like the following:
SATURDAY SIX Presents: Flights with @bioreconstruct Vol 1 (Galactic Starcruiser, EPIC Universe)
SATURDAY SIX Presents: Flights with @bireconstruct Vol 2 (EPCOT Construction, Tron Lightcycle Run)
The SATURDAY SIX Celebrates TEN YEARS of @bioreconstruct
SATURDAY SIX Presents: Our Favorite @bioreconstruct Photos of 2020
SATURDAY SIX Presents: Our Favorite @bioreconstruct Photos of 2021
SATURDAY SIX Presents: Our Favorite @bioreconstruct Photos of 2022
Special Thanks to The Elite Brandon Glover, Digital Maestro Scott Walker, the bio-est of all reconstructs @bioreconstruct, Captain Cruiseline Scott Sanders of the world-famous Disney Cruise Line Blog, my personal protege Hunter “Elvey” Underwood, artist @SonderQuest, the mighty maven of merchandise Hedgehog’s Corner, the SAT SIX Fun Squad of Parkscope Joe and “the Dadalorian” Nick, hot shot Michael Carelli, charter member of the Universal Four @Nitro230, the permit princess Alicia Stella, master cartographer Tommy Hawkins, and Hermione Granger’s tutor Megan Stump for their invaluable assistance with this article. Absolutely no help was added by SeaWorld Influencer @SuperWeenieHtJr. The SAT SIX is inspired each week by goofballs Aengus Mackenzie and LitemAndHyde and you Potterheads will enjoy Meg’s other blog work over at the Central Florida Slug Club.
Thanks for reading this year’s look back at our favorite @bioreconstruct pictures of 2023. We are incredibly blessed to have Bio in all our lives and here’s looking forward to the pictures we’ll see in 2024! – Derek