
Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom Implements Play Capacity Restrictions

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The new Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom interactive game in the Magic Kingdom Park at the Walt Disney World Resort will operate only on the “Easy” game play mode until further notice. The restriction on the difficulty level will prohibit players from moving beyond the basic level of the game and completing the primary missions. At the Easy level, essentially all puzzles/battles within the game can be solved by a single use of any of the available spell cards, rather than by employing any level of strategy or card tactics that the more difficult game levels require.

Normally, guests would advance in the computerized game system as their proficiency in the game improved as they completed missions; thus, the game would increase in difficulty the longer they played, and they would in turn need to play the game more adeptly to advance. This new restriction locks everyone temporarily at the Easy level, so for now all guests will play at the Easy level regardless of the level of play they have achieved. When this restriction has ended, guests should be able to resume their game playing at the level at which they were playing prior to the restriction.

As to why the restriction is being imposed: crowds and lines. There is congestion at the individual game play portals because guests at the higher levels take more time. This is combining with a higher overall number of guests playing due to the park being relatively busy. Quite simply, with all levels enabled, the attraction cannot handle the volume of people who want to play.

If you’re looking to experience the attraction, your best bet is to do so outside of peak periods and peak attendance days. If you want to fully experience the interactivity and difficulty levels available, you’ll have to visit the park multiple times. Be sure to keep your assigned “key card” from the game, and of course check the TouringPlans blog for an update for when the current Easy-play capacity restriction has been relaxed.

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R. A. Pedersen

R. A. Pedersen is the author of The Epcot Explorers Encyclopedia and runs the blog. He has been a research contributor to the Blog since 2006 and functions as sort of an all-around news desk and project-tracker.

22 thoughts on “Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom Implements Play Capacity Restrictions

  • After being an annual passholder at WDW for 18 years and many great experiences I have had one horrible experience after the next with the game and WDW’s personnel who work at the locations where the cards are given away. Last week was the final straw. I am still attempting to complete my family’s collection of the 60 cards. The 3 of us just want one set for all of us so after many times waiting in line for each of us to receive one package of cards each and receiving hundreds of cards we still haven’t managed to gets cards 16, 19 and 20. We only played the game once and hated it because we had to walk back and forth long distances to portals and we could never figure out which cards we were supposed to use (while in line last week a guest asked how long the game takes and the cast member told the guest it takes several hours). Each time we obtain cards we are required to provide our annual passes so WDW knows we have each only received one set of cards per day. Last week I stopped at the location behind the castle and after waiting in a long line I was informed I wouldn’t get cards until I walked all the way back to the train station and opened a portal. I was told only then I would get cards and of course I would be required to stand in line again. I asked to speak to a supervisor. I was told one was called and would arrive shortly. I stood there for almost 15 minutes and no supervisor arrived so I left. I won’t be bothering to attempt to complete our family’s collection anymore and I left the Magic Kingdom saddened and disgusted with WDW.

  • My family and I have been playing the game for about a month now and have totally loved it. Being AP holders, we are used to, and expect, to see lines for popular attractions. For instance, the line for Pinocchio is always long any time after the first hour of the park’s opening – and that’s an old ride. I understand the desires of the casual player and those who are only visiting for a day or two max. That’s exactly what the easy level is for: one spell, and move on. As far as a more permanent solution for when they add portals in the Fantasyland expansion and the rumored Tomorrowland portals, Disney can work on adjusting the scenes and dialog for the higher levels. Something along the lines of, “Hades minions have escaped and we must pursue them again!” This would likely save a lot of time in the introductory scenes and essentially serve as the much-desired, “skip,” card.

    • Sorry, folks. I meant to reference Peter Pan as the ride that has long lines regardless of the time of day. We ate at the Pinocchio restaurant this evening and that was fresh on my mind. Same thought applies, though.

  • Like Roxane, I work nights and as a local, visit the park after work in the morning to unwind before going home to sleep. Having morning hours restricted to younger payers would be a very real penalty for me. As other have said, basically, lines are lines, whether for food, rides or rest rooms…not sure what the answer is. If the line is too long at e portal I need, I just do something else and come back. Actually, yesterday, e only portal I saw with a long line was in Frontierland, but there was a family of six in line, so it moved quickly when they had taken their turns. Love seeing people of all ages playing SMK and swapping cards.

  • Sigh, I was so excited to play this on my upcoming bday trip on 4/6. My pixie dust meter seems to be low since I am going to have to deal with Easter Crowds, Fast Pass Changes & now this! 🙁

  • I first experienced the game on March 10th and was immediately hooked. In speaking with CM’s at the park, it was recommended that, when I completed my first mission – that I request to be reset to Easy (collect my 5 extra cards for completing the level) and start a new Easy round to Level up my Sorcerer cards.
    With that being said – what I found more annoying than the lines and wait times; was that the players on Higher levels seemed to be really upset/out of sorts, when after casting their spells multiple times – They still could not win their battle and were sent somewhere else.
    If by keeping all players at Easy, our cards will increase in strength – then there is the possibility of all players being able to win at their battle, because their sorcerer cards are now strong enough to beat the villians who are attempting to take over the Magic Kingdom.
    I do not necessarily agree with the decision, but I can see where it may make sense in the long run.

  • I have to figure that they will figure out how to move people from portal to portal better. Look at Kim Possible missions, now granted, the draw is probably a little less than this, but it’s the same basic principle.

  • I was disappointed during my visit for OMDD in that the lines were always longer than I’d be willing to wait for this attraction. I sure hope they find a way to accommodate more players of all ages and levels of proficiency.

  • No, I am not happy with it. I wouldn’t want a designated time to play at my skill level. What if those higher level players aren’t able to play at those times? I think that’s absolutely ridiculous. No one is saying you have to spend all day playing, play a few villains and be done with it. If you’re upset that it’s soaking up your whole day, that’s your choice, no one says you have to play all day…

  • I think they should have not put something like this in Magic Kingdom.

  • I’m surprised that Sorcerers is already hitting capacity. While there’s some unknown element to predicting any new attraction’s popularity, it’s difficult to see how Imagineering allowed something with this small a capacity to launch. Maybe there’s a “Phase 2” in the works to drastically increase capacity?

    • Len, I’m an avid player, and I will tell you this the lines aren’t too bad. The worst area by far is Fantasyland, the portals are in such close proximity that’s the main problem area. I think that is what is causing the most guest complaints.

  • Maybe they should put an age restriction on the fame so that real children actually have a chance to play!

    • Because it wasn’t just designed for “real children”? What does that even mean anyway?

    • Yeah, what do you consider “real children”? In the words of Walt Disney himself, “You’re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway.”

      • Folks, just a reminder to keep the conversation civil. It’s clear from David’s comments that he’s recommending some sort of upper limit on the age of SOTMK players.

      • My boys (11 and 9) loved this game and fortunately had a chance to play it the week it came out so he waits for them were bearable. However, even then, you had older, hard core gamers trying to “beat the game”. This is a great attraction and is probably the future for Disney (the boys also loved sum of all thrills for teh same reasons). WDW will have to think outside the box on this I think. May need to restrict the game to beginners and under 13’s (as an example) during the morning and afternoon and then only make teh game available to older folks and experts late at night and during nonpeak times. That seems fair to me as teh “real” experts who take up an inordinate amount of time at the portals even that first week were clearly repeat Disney visitors and locals who were using there entire time in the MK that day to play the game.

      • I’m sorry David but I completely disagree with you. If you aren’t prepared to do any type of waiting while at WDW, then frankly you shouldn’t go. Even with great sites like touringplans that help you with your trip to maximize your time. You are still going to have waits. Especially since this is a new experience and has garnered a huge following. Older people especially CM’s and AP’s should not be penalized so the younger day guest can exclusively enjoy the attraction. Thats like saying anyone that is 16+ shouldn’t be allowed to ride all the attractions in Fantasyland so the younger kids shouldn’t have longer waits. Or like me saying younger kids shouldn’t be allowed to go on Space Mountain because I don’t want to wait behind them. Your point is moot. If that’s all the CM, AP, or older day guest wants to do while they are in the park its their choice. You can’t expect to play this game and hit all the attractions, it’s just not feasible.

      • Nic:

        While I take your point, WDW clearly feels like they needed to intervene to “fix” an issue. Are you happy with this solution? It would seem to me (and this is an honest question) that if I were an “avid” player, I would rather have a time, however limited, where the game accomodated my skill level, then be in a situation where there were whole days where the game never accomodated me?

      • I’m an adult player of the game. I was a beta tester and have been playing once or twice week since. The only time I can get out to the MK is for a few hours after rope drop. I would be very upset if they told me I could only play at night, when I’m working.
        That said, I totally agree with Nick, and will even go one further and say, if you don’t want to wait in lines, maybe WDW is not the place for your vacation. After all, you wait in line there for almost everything from rides to food to characters to shopping. Why should SOTMK be any different? I always expect lines at the portals, just the same as I expect lines for food and rides.

    • “real” children…as opposed to the fake ones? OH puh-leeze, Disney marketed this game to everyone, and it frankly grew in popularity faster than they expected. This is no “Kim Possible”… you need a certain age & understanding to grasp the nuances of the cards as you level up, and frankly, younger children would be hard-pressed to play the harder levels.


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