Visiting Walt Disney World On Its Final Day of Operations
There is no doubt, this is a trying time for everyone. And Walt Disney World is generally the place where you can forget your troubles and enjoy one magical moment after another. But now we are faced with something we have not encountered before, including advance notice that Walt Disney World will close for an extended period of time.
Yesterday our team visited Magic Kingdom and Disney’s Hollywood Studios during this momentous weekend. We know this is just “See ya real soon!” Still, this moment, this final day of operations, is truly significant.

In this final photo of Cinderella Castle you may notice the cranes are not present, as they have been in recent days. You may also notice that most of the turrets are a fresh shade of blue; compare that to the turrets that flank either side of the castle. You may also notice the pale pink shade on the right side of the castle.

Everyone at TouringPlans is sending safe and happy wishes to you and yours. Stick with us in the coming weeks as we continue to share the magic of Walt Disney World, and helpful information to plan those future dream vacations.