The Magic, The Memories, and Merch! – Disney Outlet Store Update for FEBRUARY 2021
Welcome to the latest edition of The Magic, The Memories, and Merch!, the longest running monthly look at the Disney Outlet Stores in Orlando, and today we’re going to announce some changes going forward. Why, you ask? Well this is why….
REASON # 1 – If you are on social media, and you follow anything related to the Disney Outlet Stores in Orlando, you’re going to see posts like these below…
When you sign into the “Virtual Queue” at the Disney Character Warehouse, you are only told how many parties are ahead of you. There is no timeframe given of when you will be texted to return. Waiting in a situation like that can seem interminable.
While both Disney and Universal have been good at improving operations pretty much across the board at the theme parks and resorts, if anything the Outlets have become worse. I have to be honest, I did not expect this to happen. For the first time in a long time it seems like there is light at the end of the tunnel in terms of our country dealing with the coronavirus, but I don’t feel as confident about things at the Outlets changing any time soon. There are a lot of factors that are contributing to the current situation and none of them will be going away in the near future.
Reason # 2 – Below is a comment posted from a reader after last month’s Outlet Report. Keep in mind, last month I probably spent more money at the Disney Character Warehouse than I have in years.
My first thought when reading that comment?
But my second thought led to some introspection. Have I let the Disney Outlets themselves change me? Is the situation so horrible that I’m subconsciously passing it on to you, Dear Reader? It made me think back to a classic moment on NBC’s The Office when – as a kid – Michael Scott was the ring bearer for his mom and Jeff’s wedding…
So how can we fix this? Well, I think temporarily we’re are going to try a new direction, one given to us by Disney themselves. So allow me the honor and privilege of announcing a new format next month as we welcome the debut of…
What it will be is a look at a few items from the Orlando outlets (our “taste of,”) and of course we will still have @ChristellaMcC reporting in from California (our “touch of”.) Each month I will also give an IN DEPTH look at a Disney or Universal gift shop that I really enjoy, because I love theme park merchandise! I think for next month we will start off looking at the Waturi Marketplace, to celebrate Volcano Bay and the Disney water parks finally reopening.
We’ll see how it goes, but for now let’s head back into Mordor itself and check out some discounted items. First up, an ornament from “Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party,” which – as we all know, did not take place last year. The ornament is branded “2020” so maybe we’ll have a collector’s item one day. Probably not though, because when Disney gives a discount of 90% it generally means they can’t give these things away.

What’s the difference between a Minnie Mouse Pumpkin Mug and a Pumpkin Ghost Mug? Your guess is as good as mine. These were also branded to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party. Originally $19.99, now $2.99.

For the most part we have the same type of regular coffee cups, all reduced to $5.99. The Toy Story and Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster cups have been around for a while. The Heroes on the High Seas mug is from the Marvel Disney Cruise Line sailings.

The Disney “Poisson” Apple Votive is something I guess people from France put fish in (“just for the halibut.”) Oh wait, that might be a typo.
I think over the last two months every single item from the Ink & Paint line has come to the Outlets. This month we saw the tumbler, originally $14.99, now $4.99.
One thing you definitely can’t fault the Ink & Paint line on is cutting corners. All the plates and dishes had a lot of weight to them. This package contained four small plates, including Snow White, Pinocchio, Fantasia, and the Three Caballeros. Originally $39.99, now $19.99.
I would have been more inclined to just buy a set of four plates with just the Three Caballeros on them, but that may just be me.
Another set of four plates included Prince Charming & Cinderella, Peter Pan, the fairy godmothers from Sleeping Beauty and penguins from Mary Poppins. Same price.
Tring to convince non-theme park fans that the penguins plate is good for “formal meals.”
Ceramic jars made to look like paint is spilling out of them? Why would anyone need this? To put pens in on your desk? Why would you need FOUR OF THEM? Originally $29.99, now $12.99.
Wishables featuring Disney food items. Reduced to $3.99 each.
I have seen these Pixar Remix toys at Target over the last year and I don’t understand the appeal at all. They feature a little green alien from the Toy Story universe dressed up as a character from another Disney property. The one below is Boo from Monsters Inc. Now mash-ups is generally something I love. My house is filled with merchandise featuring mash-ups of StarWars/Muppets, Mickey/Tron, Pirates of the Caribbean/Fab Four, etc. I love the aliens from Toy Story and I love most of the movies they mash up with, but these toys just do nothing for me. Originally $9.99, now $7.99.
This one below takes the cake for “who are these toys for?!!” The character mash-up is with Tinny, from the original Pixar short Tin Toy. Now this would be a great gift for people working at Pixar, but expecting people to buy it for their kids? I just don’t understand this one at all.
As a kid, I would have killed for this Avengers Hawkeye branded bow and arrow toy. Bow & arrows, ninja throwing stars, and slingshots are just inherently cool toys. I just realized I put “ninja throwing stars” as a cool toy for a young kid and I’m thinking that maybe my childhood wasn’t as normal as I might be remembering it.
Occasionally there are strange prices I will just never understand. Hawkey’s bow was reduced to $6.25.
These odd looking Mickey and Minnie dolls are part of a “Denim Plush” line. Originally $29.99 each.
We saw this type of Disney Princess plush in previous months. It is based on the Disney Animator’s Collection style even though it looks absolutely nothing like the Japanese manga-like Animator’s Collection.
The disrespect being shown to these “Star War” plush right now. This is after months of being prominently displayed on shelves and at the front of the store.
I’ve been buying Star Wars toys for as long as I can remember, but one thing I don’t recall is prices being so far out of whack. The x-wing fighter below doesn’t come with a single one of those action figures and is still $79.99? I would have expected to see that for something like $39.99 at World of Disney. Brand new.
Two amazing things about this. The first is the “reason” we were given by Disney that we can’t have stuff like Hyperspace Hoopla anymore is because they want to treat the Star Wars brand more “serious.” The second is the Certificate of Authenticity. Why is that even needed? Who in the world would you be trying to impress when they walk into your house, see THAT hanging on the wall, and then be like “are we sure that’s a legitimate Vader Speed Shop print and not some knock off version?” AM I TAKING CRAZY PILLS?!!!!!
Dooney & Bourke Disneyland Haunted Mansion 50th Anniversary crossbody bag.
it’s a small world tote.
Didn’t get the price of this bag from the Germany Pavilion, but it looks wild! Fröhliche Weihnachten translates to “Merry Christmas.”
Let’s check out some pins from the “Gingerbread Collection.” Each were reduced to $6.99. I love the classic style of the Contemporary logo.
Just going by how the “bows” work at the Outlets, this things seem like they would be a better idea for actual Christmas tree ornaments than pins.
Disney’s Boardwalk and EPCOT pins.
Let’s take a quick break and check in with @ChristelaMcC from a Disney Outlet in California that is closer to Disneyland.
Cali didn’t get a true parks shipment this month (that we know of) but a few crazy deals did show up. First up, Emptiest Happiest Place On Earth Mickey ears. Note the “D” inside the “O” on the hat. Originally, $19.99, now $6.99.
I Am Groot hat. Originally $27.99, now $5.99. There was a website this week – whose name we won’t mention out of respect for who they once were – that actually ran a story about a “hidden” Groot in Pandora: The World of Avatar all based off of one person’t tweet. It makes me wonder if I’m just wasting my life taking the time and effort to write the SATURDAY SIX or Ye Olde Outlet Report when I could literally just be take one person’s tweet or post on reddit, make sure I don’t credit anyone, and then slap my name on the byline before hitting “POST.”
Not a bad looking Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Rebel Pilot Jacket. The original price of $99.99 was next level bonkers, but the reduced price of $34.99 isn’t bad at all. I would definitely buy, at full price no less, those Endor ponchos that SW:GE Cast Members wear when its raining. $20 poncho? No problem. SOLD.
Just like us in Florida, California still has a lot of SW:GE Grand Opening (“Landing 2019”) merchandise available. This women’s shirt was originally $34.99, and now has been marked all the way down to just $1.
A week before, the table below had items marked for a dollar. Now they’ve dropped to 50 cents. These are prices almost unheard of for us in Florida.
runDisney wine glasses, marked down to 50 cents.
I love these old timey Mickey Mouse baseballs. I think Casey’s Corner could have a fun merchandise section just based on Mickey/Donald/Goofy and other Disney characters in throw back uniforms of baseball (and I would also include other sports like football and basketball.) Marked down to 50 cents.
Thanks Christela! Let’s head back to Florida and check out one of the weirdest pin things I’ve ever seen. For whatever reason, this month the Outlets had a metric ton of elaborately boxed pin sets that had one pin you could see from the outside of the package and one mystery pin inside. First up are these boxes which look a lot like McDonald’s Happy Meal boxes to me. There’s a “bow” at the top center on the box and the tag on the left hand side says “A gift for you! Happy Holidays.” The four pins you could see were Tinker Bell, Aladdin, Stitch, and Pascal from Tangled.
Elaborately boxed Winnie the Pooh pin. Reduced to $6.99.
Elaborately boxed Vanellope Von Schweetz pin. Reduced to $6.99.
Almost impossible to tell, but this is a Cinderella pin.
We saw these hats last month and they sold about as well as we expected. This month the price dropped even further. Anyone wearing this is probably rocking a “No Ragrets” tattoo as well.
Little Mermaid and Frozen hats.
Queen of Hearts hat, reduced to $1.99.
There were a bunch of hats that seemed like they would have been sold during the Fourth of July timeframe. At first, I didn’t think much about these, but then something caught my eye…
Okay, now that’s pretty cool.
Most Magical Place on Earth hat. Originally $27.99, now $7.99.
Disney Cruise Line hat. Originally $29.99, now $14.99.
Cute Donald Duck iPhone case. Reduced to $3.99, which is about half of what all the other discounted phone cases were reduced to.
Minnie and Mickey iPhone cases.
Walt Disney World and Disneyland castle Otter cases.
Disney Road Sign and Pandora: The World of Avatar iPhone cases. I think would be appropriate for me to have the Disney Signage one. Gonna have to bill Len Testa for this one.
Speaking of Pandora, here is a kid’s shirt featuring a anime-like Na’vi with the phrase “PANDORABLE.” Originally $24.99, now $7.99.
I mentioned in this week’s SATURDAY SIX that Disney is great at giving lip service to “inclusion” and has no problem making money of it when it comes to things like this Pride-themed shirt. Actual inclusion and representation in the parks is much harder to find. Originally $29.99, now $7.99.
I believe this “Together Again!” shirt was released around the time Disney reopened their Florida parks last year. Other shirts in this line included Pull Your Mask Up Over Your Nose, Believe It Or Not That Actually IS The End Of The Queue, No Seriously, Pull Your Mask Up Over Your Nose, and Park Hop Until You Drop…SIKE! Originally $21.99, now $7.99.
Front of a Cruz Ramirez shirt. Reduced to $7.99.
I actually like the back of the Cruz Ramirez shirt more than the front.
This is one of the most expensive items to EVER reach the Disney Outlet Stores. It’s a “Disney Princess” branded dress. Let’s see if you can guess the original price and the sale price before we show you…
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit button up shirt. Originally $59.99, now $14.99.
I could make a case for an adult buying the Oswald shirt. Not a strong case, but I could make one. I can’t think of any plausable reason an adult would buy this Hei Hei shirt. Like the Oswald one it was ORIGINALLY $60!!!!!!!
This is something. A Tomorrowland Purple Wall-themed jacket. Originally $49.99, now $19.99. (Instagram Influencers, is it ultra-meta to wear this when taking a selfie at the purple wall?)
Fantasyland jacket. Not too shabby. Originally $44.99, now $19.99.
Harambe Village jacket. Originally $49.99, now $14.99.
Hercules jacket. Originally $49.99, now $19.99.
This is a kid’s rain jacket featuring Disney snack items. Originally $59.99, now $19.99.
I’m guessing this is a Pixar jacket, but you could convince me on the street is was a Captain Marvel jacket or the flag of a communist Asian country and you are paying tribute to Dear Leader. Originally $49.99, now $19.99.
Love this retro-sytle shirt. Originally $36.99, now $12.99.
Another retro design. I’m not sure about the ’71 logo, because the style of the shirt seems much more in line with the ’80s.
Pretty sharp looking Pinocchio-themed shirt. Originally $54.99, now $14.99.
Woah! A Muppets jean jacket! Originally $79.99, now $24.99.
Two Muppets items at the Outlets in one month? That might be a new record. This shirt was originally $36.99, now $12.99.
THREE MUPPET ITEMS?!!! Actually not a huge fan of this one. Love that the original price of this shirt was $39.99 though. Just insane. Now $14.99.
I don’t even remember the last time a piece of High School Musical merchandise was at the Outlets. This shirt was originally $36.99, now $12.99.
This girls-cut shirt is also related to High School Musical. Originally $36.99, now $12.99.
BEFORE YOU ASK: There are actually two Disney outlet stores in Orlando. Both are in Orlando Premium Outlets shopping complexes, and they are called Disney’s Character Warehouse, presumably because The Land Of Misfit Toys was already trademarked. There is one Character Warehouse located on International Drive close to Universal Studios (4951 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819), and the other is on Vineland Avenue, right across I-4 near the exits to Disney World (8200 Vineland Ave, Orlando, FL 32821). They do not ship. There are items at the Outlets that you can buy both in Disney stores along with the Shop Disney Parks app, but you will be paying full retail for the items. For our CALIFORNIA OUTLET trips, @ChristelaMcC goes to the Las Americas outlet in San Diego. It is located right off the last U.S. exit.
I often get asked “which store is better?” That depends. Vineland is close to Walt Disney World, while the I-Drive location is a hop, skip, and jump away from the Universal Orlando Resort. The Vineland Disney Outlet Store is much, MUCH bigger than the I-Drive location. However, the Vineland outlets in general are much, MUCH busier than I-Drive. Each have their pros and cons, and ultimately they carry much of the same items. For a Disney Outlet Store FAQ, check out this SATURDAY SIX Presents: Everything You Wanted To Know About The Disney Outlet Stores (But Were Afraid To Ask)
2013: July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
2014: Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
2015: Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
2016: Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
2017: Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
2018: Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
2019: Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
2020: Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sept |Oct | Nov | Dec
2021: Jan
Very Special Editions & Milestones: Tribute to O.O.G.; Four Year Anniversary Special; First Pandora Items; Five Year Anniversary Special & Outlet Hall of Fame; Major Changes Come to the Outlets; Camera Hat; the Outlets Reopen after Coronavirus shut down
We also did an edition of Magic, Memories, and Junk for a non-Disney owned Outlet Store, and for you merch addicts like myself, you may also enjoy a look at the official Disney merchandise available on the Disney Cruise Line, Castaway Cay, and at the Orlando International Airport. Want to see our favorite WDW resort-specific merchandise? Well, CLICK HERE!
If you liked what you read here, you may enjoy THE SATURDAY SIX articles every week on the blog and you can follow your humble author on Twitter (@derekbugan).
I am still fuming over the lime green Captain of Bad t-shirt that you made fun of. I bought that one at FULL PRICE!!! Because I’m a lover and not a fighter, I forgive you. Keep up the great work!
I’m very unlikely to get to WDW from the UK anytime soon. I love the outlet reviews, the sarcasm and incredulity! oh my word Disney can get it SO wrong please keep theses reviews coming and definitely don’t change to tone!
Have read your stuff for years. Love it. The internet is a harsh mistress. But just know that there are many of us out here who get your negativity, see the positivity, appreciate your humor, know you feel the magic and enjoy the work you do. All the best.
I concur! Don’t change a thing. However, I understand you and your team not wanting to wait HOURS (what?!?!) in line just to go inside and take pictures for us folks. But, I do hope you continue the snark and hilarity that we have all come to love (save for one person that must be super fun at parties…not!). Keep up the great work!
I’ll join the chorus; please don’t change the outlet report! This person seems not to understand the tone of your articles, but for many of us they are must-read content. Do I get butthurt when you have a go at something I love and paid full price for? Well, I used to, but then I remember you bought that ugly bowl you wanted terribly and I never took it personally again. Hah!
Derek – don’t change, reading your outlet report is one of the highlights of the month and I love the sarcasm and humour. From one of your fans over in England, keep up the good work.
I don’t think I have ever felt compelled to comment on a blog post but YOU rock! I die laughing every month, please don’t stop don’t change. There are people with the sense of humor of a piece of cardboard out there, don’t let them ruin the joy you bring to so many!!!!
Absolutely hysterical!!!!!!
I have enjoyed every single one of these reports. One of my favorite lines was way back when you referred to the outlets as The Island of Misfit Toys. I have enjoyed the satire, and the peek into the outlets and their merch. While I love Disney, they don’t always get everything right. Those exceptions, in merch, are often very funny. I’m looking forward to future reports, too. I used to listen to WDW Today, have been a subscriber since before the app, remember the original app, and even used to hang out in the basement chat on occasion. I’m pretty much here for the long haul. This has always been a must read for me, every month, and I agree with many of the other sentiments in previous comments.
Still a fan,
(Not that) Amy
Please don’t change the article– I might not always agree with your assessments, but you always make me laugh. I have loved these articles from the beginning and look forward to reading them every month.
Don’t give in to that ONE PERSON who is complaining loudly. She is not our tribe.
Thank you for the “just for the halibut” joke. I needed some Fozzie Bear school of humor in my life today.
Also, please never change. These outlet reports are my favorite thing to look forward to at the end/beginning of the month.
As long as it’s snarky, I’ll read it, Derek!!
I actually came to this blog because one of these merchandise reports were linked from another one. It was like you were MST3King the items in store, which was just what I needed to see–along with ideas on whether it would be worth it to me to go to the outlet. I decided to make the trip and it was one of the best stops on my vacation, being able to get all my souvenir shopping done in one go. I will echo what every other comment is saying: that this service is a useful, humorous, and informative one, and add this:
It is right to take the negative and reflect upon it to see if there is something worthy of change. It’s a difficult thing to accept when something like that may have an inkling of truth in it, and it is also important to note that just because the majority is not offended, that doesn’t invalidate the potential offense. However, this isn’t dealing with a racial or political issue, but a style of humor. I think, so long as you steer clear of picking a specific group to target (like the landscapers in your previous post) then you really don’t have anything to worry about. I’d hate to lose what this is.
I love reading this report every month! Please don’t change it. I also have the same frustrations when trying to visit the outlets since they have reopened. Glad to know I’m not the only one.
Have been reading for years. Look forward to to your review, snarky, spot on comments and all.
Love love love the outlet report! Highlight of the month! Please don’t change a thing-your commentary is brilliant!
Derek, I’m a huge fan of your Outlet Report and Saturday Six articles. For the record, the current Outlet Report is fine as it is, but I look forward to reading the new version.
This report is the one thing I always make sure I read on the blog. The wit and the humor is always on point. I echo the other comments — don’t feel like you need to change a thing. However, I also appreciate that you may want to change it up and I’ll gladly read about your adventures at other shops. Just please don’t change the humorous and snarky commentary!
In regards to the Star Wars items prices: Star Wars collectors are INSANE. It’s surprising that anything from the Vintage Collection can be found on the shelves of any store that isn’t specifically a collector’s store. I am shocked that that there were such deeply discounted Force Link action figures on the shelves in California. Those 50 cenr Rose action figures sell for $5 on eBay, so surprised the eBay pirates haven’t snatched them up.
I was worried Derek was going soft on us, but by the end of his half of the article, he came back…and that’s a good thing!
I’m reposting the reply I gave your ONE critic last month:
As a person not associated with Touring Plans, I will tell you that you will be missing out on a great service. They simply tell it like it is, and while much of what Disney does is great, occasionally the powers-that-be miss the mark, and those misses often wind up at the outlet stores.
Please change NOTHING.
Absolutely nothing wrong with your commentary. It keeps things lively.
Please don’t change the report! I saw that comment last month and wondered why someone would choose to share such ridiculous feedback. I look forward to the report all month and especially right now when I can’t get there in person. It offers a hilarious look at all the merch I’m missing and gives me hope for a return to normal someday soon.
I agree with fangirl and Sharon. There is absolutely no need to change anything. I like the sarcastic remarks. If people don’t like the way you write then they should not read the blog! If Disney puts out stupid merchandise then they should be told about it. Please don’t change—I look forward to MMM every month.
I also love this series. Have looked forward to the last day of the month for years. There is no need to change! You are great!
I just went over to eBay and bought one of those light up ornaments for almost the full price. No ragrets.
DEREK. Please change NOTHING. You are a hero and inspiration to so many with these full throttle, no-holds-barred, absolute truth bombs about the outlets. I am an avid reader who looks forward to this all. month. long. In these trying times, you can always coax an actual LOL and smile out of this reader. If you want to showcase a favorite shop, then sure – but make that a new, additive series (proposed title: “Take My Money, Disney!”) (alternate title: “You Win This Time, Chapek!”) (deep cut title: “Maybe Pressler Was On To Something!”). But I beg of you, leave the Monthly Outlet Report as is!!! It is as beautiful as the merchandise it covers is confounding.
Same here! My favorite Touring Plans blog posts. Please don’t change them!
Thanks, all! Got the jacket corrected!
I could be wrong, but the purple jacket seems to say “Tomorrowland” on the sleeve, which would make me guess it’s a jacket themed to the Insta-famous “purple wall”. Talk about next-level bonkers …
I think that’s actually a Tomorrowland jacket and not a Spaceship Earth one. The instagram wall I think