Ask It: The Candlelight Processional
It’s the time of year for Peace on Earth, and there’s plenty of holiday spirit at Disney parks. One long-running tradition is the Candlelight Processional, a retelling of the Christmas story with word and song with a celebrity narrator and a full choir. This week, we’d like to know:
Is the Candlelight Processional something you like to do every year, occasionally, or never?
- Occasionally (36%, 120 Votes)
- Never (34%, 115 Votes)
- Every year (30%, 99 Votes)
Total Voters: 334

The poll is live here and on Twitter, and we’ll have your results next week. Do you have a favorite narrator? Let us know in the comments.
You need another voting option – “one-and-done.” I’m glad we saw it once, and I won’t do it again.
I thought about adding a one-and-done option, but I figured that most people would actually fit in the never or occasionally choices — never if, now that they’ve done it, they’d rather have a root canal than go through it again and occasionally for someone who would never do it for themselves, but if they had family or friends who wanted to do it, they’d go with them instead of saying “See you in two hours” after dropping them off at the line.
I have only been once because I have only been at WDW once when it was on so I have put occasionally. However, I am not religious in any shape or form but I love the pomp and ceremony – we did the package but isn’t it free if you don’t do the package? If I were there I would do it every year!
It’s free without the package, yes, but it requires you to stand in a long line for a very long time with no actual guarantee of getting into the show (since standby capacity depends on how many dining packages they sold that day).
I put occasionally because we don’t try to go every year and we are not getting reservations this year for a meal and don’t feel deprived. We saw it with Neil Patrick Harris and I think if the narrator were someone we really wanted to see when we were there this year we would make a different choice on seeing it. NPH is arrive the day we leave. We even thought about extending our stay to see him.
The Candlelight Processional is beautiful and was so glad I had the opportunity to see it last year. It is not expensive unless you do the dining package. I did not and was able to get a seat. I waited in line but it was worth it. Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ, and it is so nice to see some place that actually reminds us of that in such a beautiful way.
I totally agree. A big dose of everything Christmas is why I go to WDW at this time of year, in the first place. The Candlelight concert is wonderful!
I would see it every year if I lived in Orlando. Because I don’t, I can only see once every two or three years. I’ve seen Edward James Olmos last year, Whoopi Goldberg and Gary Sinise in previous years.
We made the mistake of going once, not really understanding that it’s essentially a glorified Christmas Eve church service. The musicians and singers are all fantastic, but at the end of the day, I prefer to keep my WDW vacations Jesus-free.
I know – the audacity they have to include religious references in a religious holiday. It’s just outrageous.
Hey man, I’m not angry about it or calling it outrageous. I’m just saying that, as a non-religious guy who enjoys the various secular Christmas traditions (Santa, peppermint, etc) that Disney thoroughly embraces, Candlelight isn’t for me (and I had to learn that the expensive way).
That’s a bit uncalled for Scott. While it’s a religious holiday to you, it’s a secular holiday to many people. Not everyone who goes to Disney is Christian.
I am, but even I think CP is too churchy for my tastes.
I think the comment Scott made was referring to Andy saying he wanted his WDW vacations Jesus-free which can easily be taken as a shot at his religious freedom/beliefs. Christmas is about Jesus Christ – for those of you that can’t deal with that FACT, I’m sorry and can only say “Peace Be With You”
A shot at his religious freedoms? Scott was replying to MY post. Besides, how is me saying “I’d rather not be exposed to religious content if I can avoid it” a shot at anyone else’s beliefs?
Anyway, Candlelight is indeed all about Jesus. Outside of Candlelight, however, Christmas *at Disney World* is about gingerbread and snow and reindeer and Santa and lights and ornamented trees and special desserts.
This was a poll asking us if we like Candlelight, so I answered honestly: no, I do not want to spend 90+ minutes of my expensive Epcot day at a lavish church service. Joe, is that an offensive statement?
Andy- first off, this is no personal attack. I was merely responding to why I thought Scott responded the way he did. The “I prefer my WDW vacations to be Jesus-free” comment can clearly be taken the wrong way, especially in today’s divided world. Its certainly your opinion and you are entitled to it. But, if you simply would have not said that, we would not be having this conversation at all. Take care!