Oversized Minnie Mouse Headbands Now Available
If you’ve ever thought, “I love wearing Mouse Ears on my head, but why are all the ones available so darn small?” Well, today is your lucky day. The Disney parks are now out with a line of oversized Minnie Mouse headbands that are similar to regular Minnie Mouse headbands, but BIGGER.
Both sizes are priced at the same $27.99. Surprisingly, though the oversized headbands are obviously more voluminous, they are not noticeably heavier, meaning that if you’re OK wearing headbands in general, then these won’t give you any additional neck strain.
We found ours at MouseGear, but they should be available throughout the parks.

Honestly, I’m not really sure what the aesthetic they’re aiming for (unless your name is Sia), but they do indeed make a statement: My headband is bigger than your headband.
Photos: Christina Harrison
Would you buy this headband? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments.