PHOTOS: Epcot Construction Update and Starbucks is Now Open
Walls, walls everywhere. Epcot is undergoing a massive overhaul, one that warrants lots of excitement. But to get there we have to go through this rough patch of construction walls nearly everywhere. One might think Epcot currently stands for Every Place Construction Obstructs Tourists.

While the front entrance recently opened up as some construction walls were removed, more have gone up elsewhere in the park. Walls were expanded in both Future World East and West. In fact, over on the East side (where Test Track is located) the walls now reach so many places that as you enter heading toward’s Mission: SPACE there is no where to go but either straight to Missions:SPACE or to Test Track. And when over near Test Track there are more walls that nearly force guests to walk in Mouse Gear merchandise shop in order to head toward the park exit.

Right now Epcot is not as aesthetically pleasing as it usually is, but we anticipate the growing pains will be worth it. And hey, at least we have a temporary, walk-up only Starbucks location that just opened along the rose garden pathway.

Not that I have seen, but I am sure we’ll announce it here on TouringPlans once it is made known.
Do we have a date yet to when Spaceship Earth will be closed for refurbishment?