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TouringPlans Celebrates: A Milestone in the Millions

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Every once in a while the regular old office routine is brightened up by a little excitement, and this week two TouringPlans users have helped to make that happen for us.  We’re celebrating a milestone this week: the 30 millionth optimization of a personalized plan!

On Sunday morning Len tweeted out this news:

Brandon and Lindsey, our hats are off to you not only for running that milestone optimization, but for being up at that hour on a Sunday to do it!

Why This Is So Exciting

Well you know, there is always that “You like us!  You really, really like us!” aspect.  But it’s way more than that. Plan optimization is one of TouringPlans most unique offerings and is key to our ability to add value for you on every single day you spend in the parks.

Being able to optimize a plan means that you don’t have to choose between someone else’s plan that’s touted as being efficient, and having a plan that meets your specific tastes.  And once you’re in the parks … it’s an old saying that no plan survives first contact with the enemy.  Being able to optimize and re-optimize on the fly as you tour means that you aren’t left flying blind if your initial plans for the park hit a snag.

Our mission is to save you time and money, so I think you can see how plan optimization helps us to deliver on that.

How Long Did it Take?

In November of 2011, TouringPlans announced a new feature: the ability to optimize your customized touring plan.

The Future Is Now! Computer-Optimized Touring Plans Available for Disney World


Len wrote: “Tell us which attractions you want to see, and we’ll give you step-by-step instructions for how to visit them with minimal waits in line: a touring plan optimized just for your vacation!”

That might seem humdrum right now, but it was revolutionary back then: one sign of that is the enthusiastic response with over 200 comments on that blog post!

Optimizations really took off, and just two weeks later we’d optimized over 20,000 plans, as well as making several updates in response to user feedback. Just a few months after that, we released the same customizable optimization for Disneyland. And then of course, Universal was added later on as well.

Fast forward to today … and we’ve crossed that 30,000,000 optimization mark.  Each plan in our system is optimized about 7 times, on average, so that represents hundreds of thousand of plans over the last decade.  It goes without saying (but I’m going to anyway):

Brandon and Lindsey might have been the ones to hit the button on that milestone, but the achievement rests with all of our users.  To everyone who ever optimized a plan, you’re part of it, and we’re grateful!

What’s Next?

Well, we’re closing in on 40 million collected wait times, but I’m sure we’ll be counting towards something else as soon as that’s over.  I think there’s really only one thing to say at this juncture.  To Infinity … and Beyond!



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Jennifer Heymont

Jennifer has a background in math and biology, so she ended up in Data Science where she gets to do both. She lives just north of Boston with her husband, kids, and assorted animal members of the family. Although it took three visits for the Disney bug to "take", she now really wishes she lived a lot closer to the Parks.

17 thoughts on “TouringPlans Celebrates: A Milestone in the Millions

  • Congratulations! This is a really awesome milestone. I will soon be starting my touring plans for my summer trip and and when I optimize them I will remind myself that I am contributing to your milestones.

  • Congratulations y’all! Thanks for all the hard work you put into making our vacations easier. Love to see the milestones in optimizations, books sold, and everything else that brings success to you all.

    • Thanks Rob!

  • Congratulations! I’m proud to say I’ve contributed to several of these optimizations. Keep up the amazing work, TP!!!

    • Thanks Ashley! We’ll do our best. 🙂

  • Congratulations! We’ve made some awesome memories at the Disney parks leveraging your resources. It’s so refreshing to see you being so successful by building a best in class product that delivers real value. This is diametrically opposed to the corporate Disney route of trying to shake you down for every last cent. Can you imagine if they had built something so useful? They’d probably be charging for each optimization at this point…Love your podcast as well.

    • Thanks Andrew … I think it’s safe to say that you’re correct, if Disney had built this it would look very different. Maybe not charging for every optimization 😉 but different for sure.

  • That’s awesome! I never plan a day in the parks without it because it saves so much time!

    • Thanks Paul. It’s great to hear that!

  • Congrats! 🙂 I have no idea how many of those are me, but a fair few :p Thanks for all the time you’ve saved me at WDW and DL over the years.

  • Congrats. Did you have data analysis to predict when that milestone would be hit?

    • Ha! We took a guess as to when it would happen, and got it within a day.

  • Congratulations to everyone at TP! Glad to see your success!


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