Walt Disney World (FL)YouTube

TP Teaches: WDW Touring Episode 202

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In case you haven’t been following along every Friday on YouTube, I’ve got a new video series that helps people plan out Disney trips. Each topic starts with the basics, and then has more “expert-level” content too. That way anyone can join in and learn something no matter their level of expertise! So far I’ve covered Genie+ and WDW resorts pretty thoroughly.

This week’s episode (watch it HERE) builds upon a few introduction videos that discuss touring strategies and continues last week’s episode about early entry strategies for Animal Kingdom and EPCOT. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Early Entry strategy for Hollywood Studios without Genie+
  • Early Entry strategy for Hollywood Studios with Genie+
  • Early Entry strategy for Magic Kingdom without Genie+
  • Early Entry strategy for Magic Kingdom with Genie+

I go over some fun map stuff and tips about various walkways, as well as expected wait times. Of course, no “strategy” is perfect, so keeping up-to-date with your Lines app while you’re in the park will still be important.

Did you like my t-shirt this week? Do you have other strategies for Hollywood Studios or Magic Kingdom? Do you have other touring strategies you want me to cover in future episodes? Let me know in the comments below!

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Becky Gandillon

Becky Gandillon was trained in biomedical engineering, but is now a full-time data and analytics nerd. She loves problem solving and travelling. She and her husband, Jeff, live in St. Louis with their two daughters and they have Disney family movie night every Saturday. You can follow her on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/becky-gandillon/ or instagram @raisingminniemes

9 thoughts on “TP Teaches: WDW Touring Episode 202

  • Curious — is the HS strategy of going straight to RotR still the recommendation? Does anyone know if HS is still letting resort people in *much* before the announced park opening? I’m aiming for a late October visit.

  • We went to WDW with our 15-month-old granddaughter (and her parents) a few years ago. She did very well, was good in the stroller, on rides usually sitting on someone’s lap, and to dinner at CRT and Coral Reef. (They brought mac-and-cheese for her at CRT.) She was a little unsure around some of the characters, like that big blue bug at AK. She loved the water play area at the pool and figured out how to go upstairs and down holding the railings on the outside stairs (at CB, I was right next to her the whole time.) We had adjoining rooms and I think she had the most fun running back and forth from one room to the other. But she wasn’t big enough to climb on the beds on her own.

    • Perfect – thanks so much for the information/feedback. We’re looking forward to our trip!

  • 1. Really enjoying the series on YouTube!

    2. Like Sally, I’m concerned that the “touring plans” part of Touring Plans is becoming neglected and/or inaccurate and/or not keeping up with the latest data/changes. Even the Epcot map still shows Cosmic Rewind, which opened almost 2 months ago, is “Opening 2022”.

    • The team is working really hard getting the integration with Genie+ ready to go! Rest assured that they are doing their best to keep up with changes while also trying to implement that large new functionality.

      • Glad to hear that! Thanks Becky.

      • Ok – caught up on all the videos and feeling much more prepared! Thanks for all these resources. 🙂

        Since you have littles and if you’re willing to share… what can I expect from our 15 month old? This trip was originally planned for June 2020 and she wasn’t part of the calculation then. I think she’ll find everything to be fascinating but want to be realistic about her willingness to stay in the stroller forkng stretches. Thanks Becky!

      • @Jessica- the youngest we’ve done is 18 months, but also a Disney cruise with at 13-month-er. Stroller for long stretches was never a big deal for our because there is SO MUCH to see. Constant movement and color and sound – they would’ve been happy just strolling through the parks all day. If anything, be prepared for over-stimulation.
        I will say, that changed when we took our youngest at 23 months. Then she wanted to be “big” and push her own stroller around everywhere. Frustrating for us, and for anyone she happened to cut off while meandering in foot traffic …

  • These early entry strategies look great but when you put them into a touring plans personalized plan, it never optimizes to these strategies and the wait times are way larger than you suggest.


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