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Upcoming TouringPlans Subscription Price Increase

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On December 24, 2018, the price of a subscription to our Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando Resort tools will increase by $1.00. Walt Disney World will cost $15.95 per year, while Universal Orlando will cost $7.95 per year. If you’re planning to join or renew for 2019, doing that in the next week will save you a little bit of money.

Our last price increase was two years ago – in December 2016.

We know you have questions, so we will both ask and answer them now.

Is the price for renewals increasing too?

Yes. If you are a current subscription holder, the price to renew will increase $1 on December 24. To renew a Walt Disney World subscription will cost $11.95 for an additional year, while the renewal price for Universal Orlando will be $6.95.

If I subscribe or renew my existing subscription before December 24, what happens?

You’ll get a full year of the best Disney World or Universal tools available for the current price. If you are renewing a subscription, you will add one year to your current expiration date.

Why are you telling us this ahead of time?

It seems like the kind of thing we’d like to see happen everywhere – tell your best customers in advance about things that may affect them.

Okay, I’m in. What am I getting for my money?

When you are subscriber, you get access to our 365-day Crowd Calendar, which helps you decide the best times to visit. In addition, you get all of our premium Touring Plans, as well as use of the fabulous optimizer, which allows full customization of any plan. We also have a mobile app –Lines – which gives you instant access to any of our features on the go. Plus, we have many other wonderful features like our Room View tool and Reservation Finder.

Basically, you will have all the information and assistance you could possibly want to make your Disney World and Universal Orlando vacations the best they can be.

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Brian McNichols

In addition to blogging, I also do some analyzin' here at Touring Plans. I am a travel nut, planning nut, Disney nut, wall nut. Husband of 1, father of 2. Hilariously funny in my own mind. Find me on Twitter @YesThatBrian if you like really dumb jokes.

2 thoughts on “Upcoming TouringPlans Subscription Price Increase

  • I have saved hundreds of dollars on 6 trips over the last 7 years, not to mention hours of aggravation, purely from information I’ve learned on touringplans. So so so worth it. I’m in for another year!

  • How could you raise your prices by such an outrageous amount? You guys are worth it at twice the price!


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