Wearable Halloween Costumes + MNSSHP Experience

With Halloween creeping closer and closer, it’s finally time to start getting those costumes ready. Today, I’ll be sharing my experience attending Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, as well as what costumes we wore. Now, let’s grab our candy buckets and be on our way!
We attended Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party on September 19, so we were ahead of the game when it came to costume planning. Our family is pretty low maintenance when it comes to Halloween costumes, and as we’d be running about all night, we dressed for comfort. We decided on a group costume, so off to Neverland we went. First up was our little pixie, Tinker Bell.

I knew the party would run past Annie’s bedtime, so I selected a costume that wouldn’t bother or irritate her skin should she fall asleep in it. I found this Tinker Bell outfit during a sale at the Disney Store (they have sales all the time!). Like her other Disney outfits, there’s a onesie sewn into the dress. Although you can’t see, there are fabric wings on the back of the dress. They’re very small, so I knew there was a low probability of her flying away. I found her green bow at the Dollar Store, and I put her in tights since it was a tad chilly that night.
We arrived just before the party began, and it was pouring out! As I pulled on my poncho, I tried to stay optimistic and looked on the bright side: the fog and rain would only add to the spooky atmosphere. We immediately looked for shelter and found sanctuary at our favorite rest spot: the Main Street train station balcony. After getting settled, Michael and I left Annie with my parents and ventured out into the storm in search for sustenance. We went all the way to Frontierland and rounded up a meal at Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe. I tucked the grub (Pulled pork sandwiches and cheese burgers) under my poncho and we returned to our camp.
After finishing our meal, we realized that with Annie in her stroller and my mom in her wheelchair, this would be the PERFECT place to watch the parade and fireworks. Although the weather literally rained on our parade, we had the BEST view. When Mickey’s “Boo To You” Halloween Parade wrapped around the town center, we had a perfect view of all the characters. They were great about not only waving to those guests on the sidewalk, but would look up to the balcony and wave and smile to us as well. It was so great seeing so many Disney idols in one place…especially those who only come out this time of year!
Following the parade, I took the opportunity to take some pictures and do a little shopping on Main Street, U.S.A. I didn’t want to drift too far since the fireworks show would be starting within the hour. The rain was down to a drizzle, so I took photos of the beautiful Fall decorations and had a family member take Michael and my photo in front of the castle. As you can see, we were a little wet! While walking through the Emporium, I picked out a petrifying souvenir: a Mickey O’Lantern candle holder! While the Cast Member began ringing me up, Michael slid some chocolate cookies on the counter…he called it his loot.
As you may have guessed it, Michael was a pirate. Not just any old pirate: he was Smee! My original plan was to dress him up like Peter Pan. Although he graciously went along with it, we just didn’t have enough time to pull the look together. So, we settled for Smee. He wore khaki shorts with a striped t-shirt. Michael had a blue bandana (although Smee wore a red one) and he carried a sword and a hook. As you know, Captain Hook was tragically eaten by the crocodile. The hook was all Smee had to remember him by, so he carried it with pride.
At the five minute announcement, it was time to walk back to our viewing spot. Because of the loud noise, Michael and I brought Annie inside the waiting room of the train station and watched through the window. Happy HalloWishes was an amazing fireworks display. Not only were we kept dry and warm, but we could hear the music and narrations perfect. If you’re looking for a great viewing spot free from weather and crowds, the train station balcony is a sure winner.
Since Tinker Bell was taken, I had the option of dressing up as Wendy or Princess Tiger Lilly. I already had the blue dress, so Wendy it was! This costume was beyond simple. After putting on the dress, I curled my hair (a waste of time thanks to the rain) and put it into a ponytail. I took blue ribbon from the craft store and tied it in a bow around my waist and hair. The final touch was my black flats and tadaaah! Wendy Moira Angela Dahlgren, er…Darling, at your service!

Following the excitement of the parade and fireworks, my parents offered to take Annie back to the hotel so Michael and I could experience the rest of the party together. It’s amazing how much ground one can cover without a little one in tow! I know it’s expected with a hard ticket event, but I couldn’t believe how short these wait times were. We walked right on to Space Mountain and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. We were welcomed into Club Villain, a dance party where I had the opportunity to groove with both Cruella de Vil and the evil Queen from Snow White. All the female party guests were crowded around Dr. Facilier, so I had plenty of time to rip up the dance floor with these hags…I mean, delightful women.
The best part about the entire Halloween celebration was the atmosphere. As I walked through the park with a bag weighed down with candy (it was for Annie, I swear…), I admired the guests dressed in their Halloween best. The usually uplifting music was filled with eerie and grim tunes. There was mystery, fantasy and a spine-chilling feel in the air that had nothing to do with the weather. The Haunted Mansion seemed even more terrifying. The villains just a bit more menacing. It was an event to be remembered and if you ever have the opportunity to attend, I would highly recommend it.
Happy Halloween, Everyone, and Boo to You!
What is your favorite thing about the party? Have you gone more than once? Let me know in the comments!
Rain proof costumes are super important. We went as Dusty and Blade from planes, and our costumes were heat and ride ready, but I had made our propellers out of stiff card stock paper. This worked great dry, but our MNSSHP was quite rainy and by 9:30 the propellers were soggy and limp. 🙁
Rain proof indeed! My mom went as Minnie and asked me to draw a nose and whiskers on her face.
Good rule of thumb: Use waterproof make up in the event of a rain storm or else risk looking like the Matchmaker from Mulan. (Anyone know the runny make up scene i’m talking about?)
Thanks for the comment!
P.S. It’s probably important to note that since it was raining, Dusty and Blade probably wouldn’t have been able to fly anyway. 😉
Aw, this makes me miss going to Not-So-Scary so much. And your little Tink is simply adorable! I wanted that costume for my daughter this year, but she’s out of the “baby” size range, now (yikes!). It is SUPER cute and seems incredibly comfortable. If parents are looking for comfortable, easy baby costumes, you really can’t go wrong with those. My daughter wore the Rapunzel version last year and it was a huge hit.
I will be so sad when she grows out of infant sizes. It’s so much harder to find a comfortable costume the order kids get! I almost bought that Rapunzel costume too. I bet your little girl looked so adorable!
Thanks for reading!