What I Love! Snacks!
There are endless reasons to go to Walt Disney World, and we’ve featured a few during this series in the last month. The subject of our post today enjoys the usual rides and attractions that other guests his age like but, by all accounts from his mother, he is happiest when he is snacking in the parks. Often.

Long time Liner, Liz (Liner name LizardCave) and her son, Camden, have been coming to Walt Disney World for years and according to the bountiful photographic evidence provided by his mother, Cam does some pretty savvy snacking. On the occasions that Liz visits on her own to attend an EPCOT festival and help consume enormous amounts of food with Chef Todd and the rest of the TouringPlans opening day team, Liz always brings him back snacks. If you bump into her on one of her visits, it’s a sure bet her backpack or bag contains several bacon and cheese rolls (Roule Lard and Fromage) from Les Halles Boulangerie-Patisserie in the France Pavilion. On her last two trips, Liz added the ramune soda candy found at the Mitsukoshi shop inside the Japan pavilion. Told you he was savvy.
Below is just a sample of the many pictures his lovely mother has taken of him enjoying all manner of Disney deliciousness over the years..

According to Liz, Camden is usually working on a bite to eat while thinking of what he will eat next. To be fair, most of us do that, right?!? Liz said about an especially memorable day:
In 2018 we we were in Hollywood Studios and Camden saw these umbrellas. He said, “this place is so fancy. They sell Joe Cream.” It took me awhile to figure out what he meant, and then started laughing hysterically. Whenever I see these umbrellas, I always think it’s Joe Cream.

Thank you to our favorite EPCOT food festival runner and hype girl and her sweet and well-fed son, Camden, for these fun pictures and story!
Thank you for reading and submitting your own What I Love memories. If you haven’t already done so, please send us your pictures and tell us a bit about what you love and we will feature you here on the blog! Christina@touringplans.com