What Will Happen with the Future of Fish Extenders?
For many Disney Cruise Line fans, one unofficial aspect that they look forward to is the “Secret Santa” type of gift exchange known as a Fish Extender gift. Named for the fish-shaped hangers next to each door, people would put out a small organizer to be filled with goodies from other people who joined a Fish Extender group (usually through Facebook or other social media channels). You can read more about them here.
When cruising was put on hiatus due to COVID-19, initial thoughts were that cruising would resume relatively quickly. Now, we’re more than a year since Disney Cruise Line sailed its most recent voyage, and although UK “Cruise to Nowhere” sailings are on the horizon, it is impossible to say that cruising is getting back to normal.
At least for me personally, and many other people I know, I’m a little more nervous about touching other items in public — doorknobs, handrails, and so on are immediately followed by a spritz of hand sanitizer. So the idea of a Fish Extender, where you’ll have an item out in a hallway for people you don’t know to put items in is something to give pause. Although mentally I know that CDC guidelines talk about the minimal risk of contracting COVID from surfaces, emotionally I don’t know if I’m quite ready to do a Fish Extender exchange yet. I’m sure there are other people who may feel the same way as well.
In addition, without Fish Extender deliveries many guests who are not staying on a certain deck will have no reason to go down through the staterooms of that deck. This reduces the amount of contact that people will have which is a good thing overall.
But what does this mean for the future? Fish Extenders are one hassle for Disney that doesn’t provide any financial gain — I have seen some Fish Extender setups that are so elaborate and oversized that have actually caused damage to the walls and stateroom doors. There’s some guest dissatisfaction as well — I have heard people who are unaware that you have to sign up with a group for Fish Extender exchanges in advance, and just put out a Fish Extender anyhow. They are often confused and hurt that no one ever drops by any gifts. (And that doesn’t even get into the drama on some Fish Extender groups where someone feels slighted by a gift that they didn’t like/didn’t want/didn’t appreciate.) It didn’t help that for a while Disney was selling Fish Extender pockets as part of items that you could pre-order for your cruise, and not everyone read the disclaimer that said that the Fish Extender unit wouldn’t come with any gifts.

Although Fish Extender gifts have been a tradition on Disney Cruise Line for many years, it wasn’t surprising when notice went out on Disney’s “Know Before You Go” page that Fish Extenders are not permitted at this time.
Hanging Gift Bags on Stateroom Doors
In an effort to minimize traffic in common areas, door-to-door gift exchanges (via “fish extenders”) among Guests are not permitted.
There is no indication whether this change is temporary or permanent.
Looking ahead to the future, what are your thoughts? Do you think Fish Extenders should come back in the future, or are you of the opinion that this is a tradition that shouldn’t return? Let us know what you think in the comments.
They can still be done but it needs to vary now. No hangers on the doors. We just gave it directly to cabin family.
Are there groups we can still join? I have forgotten how to connect to them.
I love the fish extender program and so do my kids. I’m sad it won’t be available. I don’t even care about getting the gifts, I just LOVE making them!
Last cruise for the Mom’s I sewed fabric pouches with hand sanitizer, lotion and chapstick inside. For the teens I got Nalgene bottles and stuffed them with snacks. For the dad’s they got bottle openers and for the medium kids I made little “care” packages with coloring books, crayons, playing cards and fake tattoos and stickers. I got amazing feedback on my gifts and I had so much fun making them and distributing them.
Also, We don’t all give gifts on the same day. In fact, the last three cruises I was on, we would split up the floors. On day 1 we do floor 1 and 2, on day 2 we do floor 3 and 4 etc. I didn’t even see people putting out fe gifts even though our bag was full every day. It’s one of our favorite parts of the cruise and I hope they bring it back to the cruises before November!
No different then touching stuff in the stores, gift shops, and fast food. People don’t hang out in the hall. They drop your stuff off and leave. I think they want to do away with it because the cruise line gets nothing from it and they found a reason to end it. I say bring it back and let people enjoy it.
What if we want to do this ONLY with family in the stateroom next door? We are going in April and I’d love to have little surprises for my family staying next door. It’s only for them so there would only be one hanging there.
I guess I can check with our steward as well?
I have done FE exchanges for several cruises, and I really enjoy them. Doesn’t matter if the gifts are pixie stick candies, or extravagant hand made gifts, love them all. It’s a lot of fun, especially when you have children in your group.
We are sailing in January 2021 and have already started making gifts, but they’re still ‘not permitted at this time’. I hope we can still meet to exchange, and put the hangers in the stateroom and fill them each day for the kids to still have surprises!
FE groups may just arrange to meet onboard to exchange gifts.
I hope and I think they will allow them again. You’re being screened before you get on board. If people are worried then they won’t participate. Can always wipe the items down. There’s so much hand washing and sanitizing going on normally on the ship, I’m not too worried about catching something from a fish extender offering.
I have even given any thought to touching surfaces for well over 6 months, probably before CDC admitted they were wrong about that. Don’t be fearful, that can be bad for your health as well.