You’ll Love the I Lava You Float at Magic Kingdom
Now that the season of peppermint and gingerbread has passed perhaps it is time to turn to brighter vibrant flavors? That’s exactly what you’ll find at Sunshine Tree Terrace in Adventureland. The I Lava You Float layers three fruit flavors into one sweet treat that may make your taste buds want to do the hula.
Citrus Dole Whip is layered into a cup with Strawberry Fanta Soda and passion fruit syrup. Sounds sweet, right? Oh indeed it is. Plus, popping candy is sprinkled on top for an added touch of little mini volcano explosions on your tongue.

We think this sweet float is flowing with flavor and definitely worth a try. At $6.99 it is one of the pricier snacks out there, but it is large enough to share, if you’re willing. Will you melt for the I Lava You Float?
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