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A Ride Wimp’s Review of Avatar Flight of Passage

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Being a theme park fan can also mean having some trepidation when it comes to thrilling attractions. Walt Disney World is known for its family-friendly blend of attractions ranging from slow going to thrilling and exciting. One of the most groundbreaking attractions ever built at Walt Disney World, Avatar – Flight of Passage, is a little more on the thrilling side. But, as a self-proclaimed ride wimp, I am here to tell you that you can do it.

I recently wrote a review of Rise of the Resistance from a ride wimp’s perspective, and heard from our readers that they would appreciate reviews of other attractions. So let’s talk about Avatar – Flight of Passage. I will do all I can to avoid any major spoilers and will note any moments that could be considered a spoiler. My hope is to help you understand what to expect, and share some tips on how I was able to experience this attraction.

Flight of Passage Queue (photo: Brandon Glover)

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Avatar – Flight of Passage Spoiler-Free Review For Those That Are Sensitive

Full disclosure: I have only been on Flight of Passage once. Well I guess you could say one and a half times. About halfway through my first experience it paused and completely reset. After a few minutes the Cast Members checked in on everyone and then the attraction started over completely.

Flight of Passage is a simulator style attraction. Although this style of attraction is popular at Walt Disney World, the way it is presented at Flight of Passage is quite different. The queue could easily be claimed as the most detailed and thematic queue at Walt Disney World. There is a “chicken exit” so if you decide not to ride the attraction, so you can still enjoy the impressive queue.

The purpose of Flight of Passage is to give guests an opportunity to experience what it is like to fly on a Banshee, which is a large dragon-like creature in the Avatar film. The Na’vi form a connection with their Banshee. Humans are not able to do so in the same way so technology was “developed” to allow humans to connect with an Avatar and experience what it is like to ride a Banshee. Guests board an individual ride vehicle that many say resembles a sleek motorcycle.

Flight of Passage Ride Vehicles (photo from @bioreconstruct)

There are two pre-show areas before entering the room where you are seated on the ride vehicle.

When I entered the theater, where the attraction actually takes place, I really began to get nervous. The theater is a multi-story screen and there are multiple rows of the ride vehicles. Each of these rows are on their own platform. When getting onto the ride vehicle I had a mix of excitement and anxiousness. Overall being on the vehicle felt fairly comfortable. But you are facing downward at an angle, and there is a harness that comes down to the small of your back. There really is no other ride vehicle like it at Walt Disney World.


I will now describe what it is like during the ride itself.

When the attraction began it wasn’t too intense, although the initial “launch” and first swoop down in the first 10 seconds are thrilling. I remember there being a few small swoops and dips after that. It was quite exhilarating without being too much. After about 45 seconds the motion of the attraction and the action on screen really pick up.

The swooping and dipping of the ride platform intensified as did the images on the massive screen in front of us. At this point I started to become overwhelmed. I am sensitive to intense sound and intense motion. Thankfully the sound was quite pleasant, and beautiful. The motion was very smooth, but it did grow in intensity about 45 seconds in. I remember letting out a few screams – a mixture of fear and excitement. At this point I could no longer handle watching the screen, and so I watched the ride vehicle instead.

Avatar Flight of Passage Queue

Anytime I become overwhelmed on a thrilling attraction my method is to watch the ride vehicle or look down at my feet. This grounds me and brings me back to a less stimulating experience. On Flight of Passage watching the ride vehicle itself was less effective because of the way the screen wraps around, so I turned my head even more to the side and was able to watch the ride platform. Wow – the platform was so impressive. I had never seen ride mechanics like it before. I was able to watch the platform rise and fall.

As I watched the platform move, the motion of the screen had a less of an impact. But the motion of the ride vehicle still remained. I was impressed and timid at how deep some of the dips are. The ride vehicle does not tilt up or down individually, but the platforms that the row of vehicles are on do dip up and down like an elevator platform, and tilt back and forth a little. The tilting is not as dramatic as some of the dips are. Watching the platform reduced the dramatic impact the motion on the screen had, but I could still feel the motion of the ride and platform. I am sure a few screams and squeals escaped me.

After about two minutes the action slows down for a few seconds during a beautiful scene. I was able to return my view to the screen at this point and catch my breath for about 30 seconds. Then the action picks back up for another minute and a half. The second half did not feel as intense to me as the first half did, but I still ended up averting my eyes back to the platform for most of it.

Flight of Passage Exit Area

I am glad I experienced Flight of Passage. It is not scary, but it is thrilling and intense. My motion sensitivity was definitely impacted and I needed to be outside in the fresh air for about an hour afterwards to come back down from the rush. I have not ridden Flight of Passage since that first visit, and that was when the attraction first opened. Once my son is tall enough to go on it and we can all go together I will ride it again. But, as wonderful and impressive as the attraction is, it took a lot for me to get through it, so I am in no hurry to board a Banshee again.

Are you a fellow ride wimp? Have you given Flight of Passage a go? What did you think?

First published February 18, 2021. Updated September 30. 2021.

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Born and raised in the land of sunshine and dreams come true, Dani is a proud Orlando Native who loves sharing her hometown with others. She's worked in nearly all of Orlando's theme parks, on board Disney Cruise Line, and in hotel management. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @thisfloridalife

13 thoughts on “A Ride Wimp’s Review of Avatar Flight of Passage

  • I was on this a few weeks ago for the first time. I usually avoid Pandora when I’m at AK since I have no desire to see the movies. I’m fine on roller coasters and other 3D rides but this one was too much. I blame it on the down angle while sitting on the vehicle. I also can’t stand strong air in my face. I kept my eyes closed for most of it and was happy to get out of there at the end.

    Then I rode Expedition Everest and felt back to normal.

  • I went on Pandora Flight of the Passage and I am usually so overwhelmed with rides and this one was my favorite ride. I don’t really have motion sensitivity but this ride was beautiful and so freeing I loved it and went on it two times and wished I could have gone more it really feels like you there, which makes it better!

  • Thank you for this write up. I still worry about the up and down motion of the platform. Does it drop far or fast? The tickle feeling in your tummy is the main reason I don’t ride most rides. I hate it. Would a ride wimp who hates drops be able to ride this? Thanks!

    • Absolutely yes! I’m a 69 year old grandma who normally wouldn’t do a ride like this. But my family encouraged me to do it and I’m so glad I did! My hints are chew a piece of gum ( mint flavored is best) as you go into ride, and if the visuals and sensations get too intense, look at the hand of the rider on your side, and you’ll be fine!

  • Thank you for this very helpful post! I was trying to decide if it’s worth paying the Individual Lightning Lane price to ride, but it would be a mistake for my family! Really appreciate it!

  • I don’t like the Rock and Roller Coaster or Space Mountain but I love Avatar – Flight of Passage. Rock and Roller Coaster and Space Mountain make me feel nauseous. I can just about manage Big Thunder Mountain. On other simulators I often just look at my feet when it gets too intense. But on Avatar – Flight of Passage I was able to watch it all – and enjoy it.

  • I rode this for the first time when we were there in August. My daughter got fast passes because they screwed up her tickets when she checked in at the hotel. So no line. The ride is pretty exciting, on a par with some others like Space Mountain or Rock-n-Roller Coaster. I got fairly nauseous at a couple points though and had to look away from the screen. Definitely worth at least one ride.

  • Ok, for me this one will be a nope!

    • I had a severe asmatic panic attack and no staff member was there to stop the ride. My inhaler was in the lock box behind me. Very dangerous to anyone who may need medical assistance.

      • Oh for gods sake. It’s not dangerous. I have asthma, too. You aren’t going to die from the water mist or the 4D smells. There’s zero physical exertion as you’re sitting on a bike that does the work for you. You’re just panicking, but that doesn’t make it “very dangerous.” I hope rational people don’t take this silliness to heart and not give themselves the chance to enjoy the experience.

  • I usually avoid these types of rides, but I found a Youtube video with lots of helpful suggestions for this ride. One of the main suggestions that helped me was to focus my eyes on my Na’vi guide instead of the whole screen. I also greatly appreciated the air that blows in your face to simulate flying; that extra oxygen helped to keep the nausea down.

    This is the video:

  • I am a self-professed ride wimp, and will admit to have asked to be let out of the “chicken exit” on more than one attraction at one time or another. I am unusual than a lot of people that I know in the respect that I can handle simulator rides a lot easier than actual rides. They tend to make a lot of people more nauseous, but I will go on any simulator with no trepidation, whereas there’s no way you can get me on a an actual coaster.

    That being said, I think everyone should experience this attraction. Yes, it is intense, and probably the most so in terms of any simulator I’ve been on (although The Simpsons ride at Universal is a pretty close second). However, it is the most beautiful and exhilarating ride I’ve ever experienced, and I’ve seen so many people in an emotional state as they exit the attraction. Between the music and the unbelievable feeling of flight, it’s an experience that ends all too soon and really can bring tears to your eyes. You literally want to live in that world forever.

    The technical achievements that were reached in the creation of this attraction cannot be overstated. It really is that good. The Haunted Mansion will forever be my all-time favorite attraction, but this one is right up there on my list as well.

    And again, if I wimp like me can handle it, anyone can–Although I will agree with you on that first dive. I was not expecting that, and I think I had my eyes closed for the remainder of the first two minutes of the ride before that relaxing scene. It took a few times before I could keep my eyes open for the whole thing from beginning to end.

  • I took my light/sound/sensation sensitive partner with me through the queue on Flight of Passage so that they could get some good photographs. As I went, they asked me more about the ride to see what it was like since the queue was so impressive and they liked the idea of riding a banshee. I had explained that it was pretty comparable to riding Star Tours–which they had been able to handle–but that you were on a motorcycle. At the time, surrounding us were pretty young kids and an elderly couple, so they decided to give it a chance.

    The first time through, they had to close their eyes for half of it and were gripping my hand very tightly. However, once they’d calmed down afterward? They asked to go on it again so they could see more.

    I will second, that being able to look to the sides to see the other ride platforms is really handy as you can see how much you aren’t actually diving and swooping that way. Since the movement is actually pretty minimal, it lessens the intensity a lot. I was really glad for how it was done since it allowed my partner to experience the attraction, and over the next few rides they eventually were able to see all of the scenes to put it together. They say it’s very much worth doing, even if they still scream at parts.

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