Money MattersWalt Disney World (FL)

Priceline Deals: The Animal Kingdom is Calling

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Listen. Can you here it? A faint thrum of drums in the distance?

There’s a new set of Priceline Express Deals out there waiting for you in June!

While not an overwhelmingly large number of deals, it is the first return of the Animal Kingdom Lodge to Priceline Express since the start of the year with anything near a decent discount. At an  average rate of $225, it beats both the regular Priceline and Disney’s own rates by about $75 per night.

As of yesterday, I also found one lone $91 Art of Animation still out there, plus a few days of $104 Swan deals as well. (This morning I noticed more AoA deals reappearing, so you may want to reference my last post on the extent of those deals in case they all come back.)

If you are looking to visit next week or at the end of the month, take a gander at the deals I’ve found in the at-a-glance calendar below.

Note that the Animal Kingdom Lodge deals did not appear in most day’s search results until I clicked on another 4-star 8-guest-rated hotel, then it popped up as an additional deal.

For comparison purposes when you are searching Priceline Express yourself – remember that the Animal Kingdom Lodge is a 4 star 8.9-guest-rated resort. If you see a listing that also notes the number of guest reviews, it currently stands at 323. Knowing that extra data point can sometimes help you identify a resort if Hotel Canary offers multiple possibilities.

Also, remember that guessing the resort for an Express Deal is a combination of comparison shopping and art. While there are no guarantees you will get the resort Hotel Canary displays or the one that you guess, if you use the tips we’ve provided in our past posts you can book with a very high level of confidence!

If you’ve booked any other interesting deals or are just excited by animals wandering outside of your room, let us know in the comments!

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John Tierney

Security. Genealogy. Dad. Husband. Securigenealodadsband. Also: Disney fan who likes deals. and numbers. and churros. You can find his tweeter @JJT and his Instagram is @johnjtierney

4 thoughts on “Priceline Deals: The Animal Kingdom is Calling

  • Thanks John! We recently got the Dolphin for $184 (plus resort fee) for June 11-15. Thanks for all your tips!

    • Woohoo! 🙂

  • John, thank you so much for these posts! I am definitely going to use this info for our next trip in September. Keep ’em coming!

    • My pleasure, Robin!
      If I keep finding the deals, I’ll keep posting ’em! 🙂


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