Money MattersSite News

Upcoming TouringPlans Subscription Price Increase

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On August 31, 2023, the price of a subscription to our Walt Disney World, Disneyland Resort, Universal Orlando Resort, and Disney Cruise Line tools will increase:

  • A one-year subscription to our Walt Disney World tools will be $24.97 per year
  • Universal Orlando subscriptions will be $11.97 per year
  • Disneyland Resort and Disney Cruise Line subscriptions will be $9.97 per year

If you’re planning to join or renew, doing that in the next couple of days will save you some money.

Our last price increase was more than two years ago – in February 2021.  The vast majority of this price increase is to adjust for inflation.

We know you have questions, so we will both ask and answer them now.

Is the price for renewals increasing, too?

Yes. If you are a current subscription holder, the price to renew will increase as well. As always, you’ll get a $5 discount for Walt Disney World renewals and $1 for Universal Orlando and Disneyland.

If I subscribe or renew my existing subscription before August 31, what happens?

You’ll get a full year of the best Disney World or Universal tools available for the current price. If you are renewing a subscription, you will add one year to your current expiration date.

Why are you telling us this ahead of time?

It seems like the kind of thing we’d like to see happen everywhere – tell your best customers in advance about things that may affect them.

Okay, I’m in. What am I getting for my money? subscribers get access to tools that are only available here:

  • Our 365-day Crowd Calendar which tells you the expected crowd levels at every park every day for the next year.
    I know lots of sites have their own free ‘crowd calendars’, but that’s just so they can rank higher in Google search results.  As far as I’m aware, we’re the only site to employ a professional statistician for this.  We’re also the only site that explains what our predictions mean and show you what happened after the fact.
  • Full access to current wait time forecasts, Lines Chat, and other features in our highly rated Lines App.
  • Our Least Expensive Ticket Calculator shows where to find the cheapest combination of tickets for your Disney vacation.  We’ve tracked ticket costs for a number of years.  We think most families save at least $80 on tickets when they use this tool, versus buying from Disney.
  • Our Touring Plans are unique in a number of ways.  They’re fully customizable, for one thing.  Most importantly, we update those plans while you’re in the park, based on what’s happening in the park on the day of your visit.  Nothing else does that.
  • Our Room View tool shows the view you get from every hotel room in Walt Disney World.  It’s an amazing collection of more than 30,000 photos.  There’s nothing else like it.
  • Our dining Reservation Finder alerts you when a hard-to-find dining reservation becomes available.

Over the next month, we’ll be sharing news with you about projects we’ve been working on over the past year.  These include a new site design, updates to our Genie+ prediction methodology, new touring plan strategies, and third-party app integration.

As always, I’d like to thank all y’all for your support.  We have a fantastic team of people who get to do some of the most interesting and fun work there is.

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Len Testa

Len Testa is the co-author of the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World, and has contributed to the Disneyland and Las Vegas Unofficial Guides. Most of his time is spent trying to keep up with the team. Len's email address is You can also follow him on BlueSky: @lentesta.

4 thoughts on “Upcoming TouringPlans Subscription Price Increase

  • A 38% increase in 2 years is a tad bit more than covering for inflation……. more like gouging.

  • Still underpriced…but don’t tell Len I said that!

  • Please consider copying the Audio Tales feature from Genie+ in the Lines App. Being able to click to hear clips of Jim Hill with info about specific attractions as you stand in each line would be amazing!


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