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Visitor Toll Pass – A New Option for Visitors with Rental Cars

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Travelers renting a car in Orlando are familiar with the tollways leading to Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando, I-Drive, and Fort Lauderdale. Previously, guests would need to carry spare change or purchase a toll program from the rental car companies. The new Visitor Toll Pass promises to save time and money for those driving in the Orlando area.

How Does It Work?

Visitors register on a dedicated mobile app for their Visitor Toll Pass prior to their trip and pick up their passes at the airport. Visitor Toll Pass is hung on the rearview mirror of their vehicle, granting entry through any E-Pass, SunPass, or LeeWay express lanes. Tolls are automatically paid for using an on-file credit card.

Tip: Place your Visitor Toll Pass on your car’s rearview mirror before exiting the rental car garage or lot, your pass is activated as you exit (hat tip to Bruce in the comments).

Once your vacation is complete return the Visitor Toll Pass at a drop box located along the pedestrian walkways from the rental cars to the airport terminals. Any Visitor Toll Passes not returned will incur a $10 fee in addition to any tolls the vehicle passed through.

Why Use A Visitor Toll Pass?

There are two advantages to using a visitor toll pass: time and money. Travelers with a visitor toll pass can skip the staffed toll booths lines and use the express lanes to pay for tolls. Additionally the Visitor Toll Pass grants travelers a reduced electronic toll rate, 23% off the listed toll (a $2 toll would reduce to $1.54).

How Much Does It Cost?

The Visitor Toll Pass is free, you just have to pay for the tolls you pass through. If a Visitor Toll Pass is not returned at the end of a trip a $10 fee is applied to the credit card.

How and Where Do I Get One?

Register on the mobile app prior to the trip with the name, address, trip information, and a credit card of the guest using the pass. Once at the Orlando International Airport proceed to the Visitor Toll Pass vending machines on Level 1 of Terminal A or B to acquire your pass. Once you return your car, take the Visitor Toll Pass with you and deposit it in a Toll Pass drop box located at the parking garage or in Level 1 of Terminal A or B.

For additional questions visit the Visitor Toll Pass FAQ site or call 1-407-690-5300.

Does the Visitor Toll Pass sound like something that would be a must-do for your visit to save time and money? Let us know in the comments.

First published May 10, 2019. Updated July 2, 2021.

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Joseph Matt

Joe covers theme parks through the lens of his quality engineering day job. He has over seven years of writing experience at Touring Plans and has gone on dozens of trips to Orlando over his life. When not at amusement parks you can find Joe at breweries, enjoying live theater, playing video games, and cooking.

32 thoughts on “Visitor Toll Pass – A New Option for Visitors with Rental Cars

  • Does it have to be only one of the listed rental agencies?
    I will rent from Advantage and that is not a scroll down menu option on the visitor toll pass.

    • Hi Dora,

      Advantage is an off-site rental agency, hence why they are probably not listed. You have to hang the tag on your mirror before you leave the rental car garage because on the exit road from the garage, there is a sensor mounted above the roadway along with a license plate camera. Passing under this sensor activates the tag in their system and the camera gets your license plate number and adds it to your account. There is another sensor/camera on the rental car return entrance to deactivate it. This is a question your going to have to contact them about since there isn’t a sensor at their off site facility. I once had to contact them about my license plate number not showing up in my account (I wasn’t paticent enough). I found them to very nice. (+1)407-690-5300 Monday – Friday 7:30 AM – 7:00 PM, Saturday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM EST.

      If you find the answer, can you post it to help others in the future?

  • Can you use a visitor toll pass for Turo rentals with pick up and drop off at MCO? Why does it have to be one of the onsite rental companies?

    • No, only for rental cars because is activated when you exit the rental car by a toll.

  • Can visitors arriving by car get a visitors toll pass and where?

    • Hey Jill-

      Assuming you don’t want to stop by the airport, I’d run by any Publix supermarket in Florida. Stop by the customer service desk and ask for a transponder. There are two versions – the “mini” is $5 and works in Florida; the $15 version works in Florida and all other states that use EZ-Pass.

      Here’s a list of supermarkets and stores in Florida that sell the pass:

  • The Florida Toll Pass app says that this is only located in Terminal A at MCO. Do you know if this is accurate? I’m flying into Terminal B.

    • Yes this is true. I just picked up one last Saturday. Just take the elevators down to the rental car level that are located opposite of the food court. The kiosk to get the pass is alongside the elevator Bank. That elevator Bank is across from the crosswalk that connects to the parking garage. You could always send a member of your party over to it while the rest get their luggage off the belt and then meet up at a predetermined spot.

  • From there website, it looks like they are back in business, with some changes.

    You make a reservation using an app now, instead of their website.

    They use to have a manned booth on Level 1 that you picked the pass up at.

    Now they have a vending machine on Level 1 that you show a bar code to that they app displays and it dispenses a pass.

    Tip: May sure its hanging on your mirror before you leave the garage. There is an overhead sensor on the garage exit road that activates your account when you go under it. If you forget, like I did, circle around and enter the rental car return lane. Go past all the car drop off turns until you come to the new rentals area and then just follow the exit sign which will take you back out under the sensor.
    Level 1 of the garage has the returns at one end and the pickups at the far end. Watch out for the crazy porter drivers though, they drive like its a demolition derby in the garage.

  • We’ve used this a few times and thought it to be great. We would always sign up for this when coming into MCO. As someone from the UK we often dont have change for the smaller off ramp tolls and this stops it being a problem. We’ve always dropped it into the mailbox at the airport on return and never had any problems with payments/end of use.

  • Is the visitor toll pass still working? June 2021

  • Just had a two week stay in Florida via Orlando International Airport. The Visitor Toll Pass scheme is brilliant. Cost me nothing. Dollar car rental quoted me $110 for a toll pass. What else do these car rental people get up to?

  • Not recommended
    We handed our pass back to the two young lads at the desk on entering the airport for our return home
    It was not de activated and never got logged
    There is no option to receive a receipt
    Or email confirmation and were billed
    Amex have raised a dispute
    Not happy
    Need hand over confirmation on return

  • So if you fly into Orlando/Sandford airport this isn’t an option?

  • Hello if i rent with alamo. usually alamo get the plate automatically.
    i won’t be charge double?

  • Used this for our trip in September 2019 and it was brill. Is it available at Miami?

  • WOW, this was great! I stumbled upon the Visitor Toll Pass kiosk while I was walking from the rental car counter… It seemed too good to be true. I registered on a tablet at the kiosk, they handed me a transponder tag, and we were off! I went through two $1.93 tolls (discounted) and one $0.80 toll, for a total of $4.66. No service charges. I hate to imagine how much more those three tolls would have been if we used Alamo’s TollPass ($17?). This was even cheaper than stopping and paying cash. I never thought I’d say this, but “Thank you, Florida!”.

  • Does it only exist in Orlando or also in Miami airport?Does it really stops in august?
    Greetings from Belgium.

    • Were following up today with an article but it’s extended per the website, we’re still waiting to hear back from them to make sure. As of right now it’s only in Orlando.

  • Or try and inform people online warning them for the big rip off of rental companies

  • I did not know about the free pass for visitors…
    I was lured by my rental company DOLLAR to pay a daily fee of 10 dollar!!
    You should inform the travelers just before going into the rental company pick up line and not behind the companies….

    • Actually Florida should push this statewide and require by law that rental car companies offer or at least inform customers. Fines for failure to notify.

  • The end date has been removed from the site recently. So you can register and pick up a pass whenever you want now.

  • I was all excited until I saw it ended August 1! I hate that the car companies charge you a fee for every day if you use it once – like the time an unmanned booth didn’t record all of my exact change (the very last of it) and I paid a fee for the whole week.

    Can you use your own Sunpass with a rental car?

    • The web site says it is available until August 31st.

  • I’m driving from the northeast in June. I’ll take 95 to I-4. Would I benefit from this?

    • Unfortunately the only place to pick up this pass is at the Orlando International Airport. I’d look and see if any local toll passes work in Florida.

    • If you’re an EZpass customer, I believe EZ pass works in central florida now.

    • I-95 and I-4 do not have tolls.

  • I already purchased a portable Sunpass transponder a few years ago. Since there are few tolls between the airport and WDW, there were no money savings for me, just convenience. I have used it in several rental cars and at least a couple of times, it got me past a LONG lineup at the cash-only toll booths. This newer option sounds like a better deal. There is no initial purchase fee, unlike the “normal” Sunpass, and there’s no need to remember it and pack it in luggage for the trip.

    Also, if you review the various toll payment options offered by the rental car companies, some of them are REALLY expensive. They charge for every day of the rental, whether or not you actually drive anywhere on that day. I would not be surprised if the companies lobby against this trial program just to protect their revenue in that regard.

    • I looked into the rental car toll options and couldn’t find any online pricing, I think they do that on purpose.

  • Going to try it in June


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