Fantasmic! Showing Nightly (Except in January)
As you may have seen previously on this blog, Disney re-released their schedules for October through March of 2012 and many Fantasmic! shows were added at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. The refurbishment period has been shortened slightly as well.
Fantasmic! is now scheduled to run every night through March 31, 2012 except the following:
– October 18, 2011
– November 5, 2011
– November 17, 2011
– December 8, 2011
– January 9 through February 12, 2012 (refurbishment)
– February 24, 2012
– February 25, 2012
– February 27, 2012
– March 21, 2012
If you are visiting Walt Disney World on one of the above dates (with the exception of the refurbishment period); fear not. When Fantasmic! was returned to nightly performances during the summer period there was initially a few dates that it was not listed. As those dates got closer, performances were added to those nights as well.
Hours and showtimes have been updated on and Crowd Calendar updates will be up very shortly. Remember to keep checking for all the latest news and updates.
How often does that Travel Agent website change?
Awesome. Thanks so much for EVERYTHING!
I’m not finding the updated Fantasmic schedule. Can you tell me where to look on the Disney website for the info? Thanks!
They’re not on the Disney site yet. We know what Disney is doing before they do! Okay, not really. They post the updated schedules first on the Disney Travel Agent website. Access to that site is for travel agents only, but you can navigate directly to the schedule for any given month. Here is an example url for October:
To see a different month, copy and paste the above address into your browser and replace the Oct with the three character abbreviation of the month you are looking for.