Pros and Cons of a June Trip to Walt Disney World
There are pros and cons to whatever month you choose to visit Walt Disney World. As with so much of life, it all depends on what your priorities are. I’ve taken a Disney trip twice in mid-June and had an amazing time! They way I see it, there are a pair of glaring cons that might scare some people off of a June trip, but there are also some important pros to consider. Let’s take a look!
Con: Crowds
In general, whenever schools are out, crowds get larger at Disney World. The vast majority of American schools are out of session by sometime in June, with the first big wave closing right around Memorial Day, and a second wave in mid-June. So, if you plan to travel to Disney in June, you should expect big crowds.
Check both the historical and the projected crowd calendar to get an idea for just how crowded the parks will be for your travel dates. You can also use the crowd calendar to help choose the least crowded park to visit each day, which should help provide a little relief from the masses.
Con: Weather
Summer in Florida is hot and humid. There is simply no way around that. According to The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World, the average daily high temperature at Disney in June is 91°F, with an average daily heat index (temperature plus humidity) of 109°F. Only July and August are hotter (and not by much). That heat can feel pretty miserable during a 12+ hour park day.
June also has the added con of being the rainiest month of the year, averaging 8.3 inches. Even if it is just pop-up showers, they can put a damper on your day.
At this point you may be asking yourself, why should I visit in June?

Pro: Don’t Have to Miss School
I come from a long line of public school teachers, so I understand that missing school is just not an option for a lot of people. It can disrupt your child’s learning and schedule, and add the stress of trying to make up missed work. A pro of traveling in June, after your child gets out of school, is that you won’t have to worry about any of that. Instead, you can adopt that Hakuna Matata lifestyle and fully enjoy your trip!
Pro: No Major Holiday Weekends
Unlike most months of the year, June doesn’t really have any major holiday weekends that you have to try to avoid or work around. While June is usually crowded, overall, it is actually less crowded than if you tried to visit during a holiday weekend throughout the rest of the year (MLK Day, President’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, etc.)
Pro: Parks Open Longer
Hours are a little skewed these days due to COVID-19 restrictions, but in the past Disney would lengthen park hours during their busiest times, like holiday weekends and summer vacation, to try to help alleviate or space out the crowds. This was great if you were traveling in June, because it gave you more time, sometimes earlier in the morning or often later at night, to enjoy the parks.
Pro: Cool Ways to Cool Off
Yes, June is hot. And yes, I listed that as a con. But with a little bit of pixie dust, it can also be a pro, especially if you are interested in a lot of pool time, water rides, and Disney’s two water parks. It is pretty warm in Florida most of the year, but depending on when you visit, it might not be quite warm enough that you’ll want to walk around soaking wet from Kali River Rapids, or take a night swim at the pool. June is a great month to enjoy these activities that help you cool off because you don’t have to wonder about if it will be warm enough – you just know it will be. It is also a good excuse to treat yourself to as many Dole Whips and Mickey ice cream bars as you want!
Pro: EPCOT International Flower & Garden Festival

Historically, this festival ended in late May or early June, but this year it runs all the way through the month (ending July 5). The Flower & Garden Festival includes incredible topiaries and garden exhibits, specialty food booths, live entertainment, and more. If you are interested in checking out this beautiful blooming celebration, June is your last chance until 2022!
You can go back and forth about pros and cons of different months and seasons until you want to snap your Mickey ears in half, but one thing is certain: you can have an amazing time at Disney World no matter when you are there. Use a pro and con list as a guide, but ultimately, do what is best for you and your traveling party. If that means a June trip, then have a great time!
If you are worried about crowds, make sure to use our crowd calendar and follow a touring plan to help minimize your waiting and your stress.
If you are worried about the weather, check out these ways to cope with the heat, as well as what summer essentials to pack.
What have your June experiences been like? Let us know in the comments.
Reminder that (the very unofficial) GayDay at Disney World is the first Saturday in June. One or two of the Hotel Plaza Boulevard hotels are usually the host hotels, with pool parties for the attendees every day of the event. Festivities usually start on the Weds or Thurs before, everyone goes to Magic Kingdom on Sat, and things wrap up on Monday. It is traditional to wear red tee-shirts to MK on the Saturday; if you don’t want to be mistaken for part of the group, wear a different color. (Rumor has it that people who don’t know, wear red, and complain to cast members may be offered a free tee-shirt in the park.)